
  • 网络Distributed Application
  1. 因此,如果要开发一个DCOM应用程序,分布式应用程序中所有参与的节点都必须以Windows风格运行。

    Thus , if one were to develop a DCOM application , all participating nodes in the distributed application would have to be running a flavor of Windows .

  2. 论文详细探讨了敏捷供需链管理系统、B/S模式企业应用程序中的n层体系结构、J2EE架构的分布式应用程序模型。

    It inquires into agile supply chain management system and the n-tier system framework in the enterprise application based on B / S module . It also probes into the distributed application model of J2EE platform .

  3. 可互操作的基于Web分布式应用程序的思想并非新近出现。

    The idea of having interoperable web-based distributed applications is not new .

  4. Web服务正日渐将数量庞大的参与方连接起来以形成分布式应用程序。

    Web services increasingly tie together large number of participants to form distributed applications .

  5. 一种基于Web的分布式应用程序框架的构建技术

    The Design Technology of Web-Based Distributed Application Frame

  6. NET平台在开发基于Web的分布式应用程序上的优越性。

    NET platform in developing the distributed application program has been fully reflected .

  7. NET平台分布式应用程序设计

    Design Distributed Application Program Based on . NET Platform

  8. 他的专长包括设计和开发从独立应用程序到n层分布式应用程序。

    His areas of expertise include designing and developing stand-alone to n-tier distributed applications .

  9. XML在分布式应用程序中日渐普及。

    XML is becoming ubiquitous in distributed applications .

  10. 由XMLwebServices构建的分布式应用程序,一般由三个逻辑层面组成。

    Distributive application procedure set up with XML Web Services , generally consists of three logical layers .

  11. 许多分布式应用程序都是由Java开发的。

    Many distributed application programs are developed with Java .

  12. Web服务技术提供了一个全新的编程模型来利用开放因特网标准建立分布式应用程序。

    The technology of web services offers a new programming model for building distributed applications using open Internet standards .

  13. 更好地理解Web服务中的故障处理将有助于您构建更健壮的分布式应用程序和服务。

    A better understanding of fault handling in web services should help you build more robust distributed applications and services .

  14. WebSphereApplicationServer还提供了开发环境工具和高性能边缘组件,用以处理分布式应用程序环境。

    WebSphere Application Server also provides tooling for the development environment and high performing edge components to handle distributed application environments .

  15. CORBA是一种面向对象的开发分布式应用程序的一个体系标准。

    CORBA is a famous architecture for exploring distributed object applications .

  16. 您需要在分布式应用程序中避免有状态的会话EJB。

    You need to avoid stateful session EJBs in your distributed applications .

  17. EJB体系结构提供了开发分布式应用程序的标准模型。

    The EJB architecture provides a standard model for the development of distributed applications .

  18. J2EE是当前流行的一种先进网络分布式应用程序的开发平台规范。

    J2EE is a currently popular developing-platform specification which should be obeyed in developing the distributed network application .

  19. 基于CORBA的分布式应用程序的性能优化

    Performance-optimizing of a CORBA-based Distributed Application

  20. 能够更好地理解SOAP的类型映射应该会帮助您构建更好的分布式应用程序和服务。

    A better understanding of SOAP 's type mapping abilities should help you build better distributed applications and services .

  21. 在分析J2EE应用程序性能和程序失败时,特别是在事件高度相关的分布式应用程序中。

    When analyzing J2EE application performance and application failures , especially in distributed applications where event correlation is essential .

  22. CORBA分布式应用程序动态配置

    Dynamic reconfiguration for CORBA application

  23. 在使用面向服务的体系结构(SOA)设计分布式应用程序时,开发人员可以将Web服务的使用从简单的客户端-服务器模型扩展成任意复杂的系统。

    In using SOA to design distributed applications , you can expand the use of Web Services from simple client-server models to systems of arbitrary complexity .

  24. 利用SNMP协议实现分布式应用程序的管理

    Management of the Distributed Application Using SNMP

  25. PowerBuilder用户对象在开发分布式应用程序中的应用

    Application of PowerBuilder User Object in Developing Distributed Application Programs

  26. 文章以分布式应用程序体系结构DAPA(DistributedApplicationProgramArchitecture)为基础,研究分布计算模型到C/S网络数据模型的转换机制。

    Based on Distributed Application Program Architecture - DAPA , the paper researches transfer from distributed computing model to C / S network data model .

  27. 为了正确地准备性能测试脚本,脚本开发人员必须很好地理解使用HTTP和XML协议的分布式应用程序。

    To properly prepare performance test scripts , the script developer must have a good understanding of distributed applications using HTTP and XML protocols .

  28. NET平台的总体结构、主要支撑技术,阐述了构建一个基于Web的分布式应用程序所涉及到的相关技术。

    It not only discussed the ensemble architecture and working mechanism of . NET platform deeply , but also told relevant technology which distributed application program based on Web should use .

  29. NET是ADO的改进和完善版本,它开辟了分布式应用程序访问数据库的新天地,ADO。

    NET is an improved and perfected version of ADO , which creates a new era for distributed application programs in accessing database .

  30. 基于MIDAS技术的多层分布式应用程序开发

    Development of Multi - Tier Distributed Application Based on MIDAS Technology