
  1. 中国南部江西省井冈山大学的讲师钟华和刘涛2007年在《晶体学报:E分卷》发表了这些论文。

    Hua Zhong and Tao Liu , lecturers at Jinggangshan University in south China 's Jiangxi Province , published the papers in2007 in Acta Crystallographica Section E.

  2. 上周四,华为智能手机部门负责人何刚以及华为消费者业务拉美地区部CEO刘涛,与阿根廷足球明星莱昂纳多·梅西在巴塞罗那一起自拍。

    He Gang , the head of Huawei Technologies smartphone unit , and Liu Tao , the Chinese companys CEO for Latin American consumer business , take selfies with Argentine soccer star Lionel Messi in Barcelona on last Thursday .

  3. 刘涛在哪里?他在卧室里。

    Where is Liu Tao ? He 's in the bedroom .

  4. 刘涛正在干什么?他正在扫地。

    What is Liu Tao doing ? He 's sweeping the floor .

  5. 刘涛:我想写一封信。

    Liu Tao : I want to write a letter .

  6. 谁的铅笔更长呢,刘涛的还是杨玲的?

    Whose pencil is longer , Liu Tao 's or Yang Ling 's ?

  7. 刘涛:他是一个英国男孩。

    Liu Tao : He 's an English boy .

  8. 刘涛,过来吃些蛋糕。

    Come and have some cakes , Liu Tao .

  9. 刘涛:他住在伦敦。

    Liu Tao : He lives in London .

  10. 刘涛比吉姆跳得远。

    Liu Tao jumps farther than Jim .

  11. 迈克比刘涛矮。

    Mike is than Liu Tao .

  12. 星期六,这二位男孩被邀请到刘涛家吃晚饭。

    The two boys are invited to have dinner with Lin Tao 's family on Saturday .

  13. 在绘画比赛中,黎明的画比刘涛的画好很多。

    Li Ming 's drawing is much better than Liu Tao 's in the drawing competition .

  14. 把它踢给刘涛。

    Kick it to Liu tao .

  15. 昨天下午,刘涛在报纸上读了一篇关于英国男孩彼得的文章。

    Yesterday afternoon , Liu Tao read about an English boy , Peter , in the newspaper .

  16. 刘涛:妈妈,能给我些信纸,一个信封和一些邮票吗?

    Liu Tao : Mum , can I have some writing paper , an envelope and some stamps , please ?

  17. 刘涛:但愿那样,妈妈。我准备告诉他关于我的学校和我最喜爱的课程。

    Liu Tao : I hope so , Mum . I 'm going to tell him about my school and my favourite subjects .

  18. 除此之外,剧中包奕凡(杨烁饰)和安迪(刘涛饰)的人物关系会有新进展,小包总的戏份也会由此增多。

    In addition , for Bao Yi Fan ( Yang Shuo ) x Andi ( Liu Tao ) , we will have more of BYF screen times .

  19. 据我所知,我的上海朋友在初次约会时没有一个会让他们的女友平分账单,刘涛说,一个26岁的白领。

    As far as I know , none of my Shanghai friends would ask their girlfriends to share the bill when they first met , said Liu Tao , 26 , a white-collar worker .

  20. “去年以来,市场一直变幻莫测,”中国黄金协会的一位专家刘涛(音)说,金价已经涨到出人意料,许多投资者都吓坏了。

    " The market has been moving dramatically since last year ," says Liu tao , an expert from the China Gold association , adding that gold prices have risen to a surprisingly high level , frightening many investors .