
  1. 刘飞和王芳芳已经交往四年。

    Liu Fei and Wang Fangfang has been in a relationship for four years .

  2. 随后,两人便去拜访收藏者,刘飞非常喜欢这颗巨型陨石。

    Liu and Wang visited the collector and Liu liked the " meteorite " a lot .

  3. 于是刘飞就决定要将这颗陨石买下来,并用此来求婚。

    So he decided to buy the " meteorite " and propose to her with it .

  4. 上述提到的巨石重达33吨,是刘飞花费百万元买来的陨石。

    The rock weighs 33 tons , and was said to be a meteorite bought by Liu Fei with over a million yuan .

  5. 近日,一位名叫刘飞的男子在一块巨石旁边单膝跪地,向自己的女友王芳芳求婚。

    By the side of a giant rock , Liu Fei proposed to his girlfriend Wang Fangfang with a knee on the ground .

  6. 去年,两人到新疆喀什葛尔市旅游,刘飞的朋友告诉他一个当地人家里收藏了一颗巨型陨石。

    Last year , when they traveled to Kashgar , a friend of Liu told him that a native person collector owns a huge " meteorite . "

  7. 在与这位收藏者多番交流协商之后,刘飞最终以一百万元(最初是计划用来买一套房)的金额将这颗陨石买了下来。

    After multiple times of communication with the collector , Liu finally bought the " meteorite " with over one million yuan , the money he originally planned to buy an apartment .