
  1. 着重叙述光纤目前在海军最有发展前途的几个领域(光纤通信、光纤制导鱼雷、导弹、光纤陀螺和光学水听器等)的应用。

    In the paper , the applications of optical fiber in fiber-optic communication , fiber-optic guidance torpedo and missile , fiber-optic gyro and optical hydrophone are emphatically described .

  2. 中国鱼-5据报道是一种本国自行发展的新一代线制导反潜鱼雷。

    The Yu-5 is reported to be an indigenously developed new-generation wire-guided anti-submarine torpedo .

  3. 有线制导能够使鱼雷接近致自导引触及目标。

    The wire guidance enables torpedo to close into homing contact with the target .

  4. 鱼雷制导系统是鱼雷的重要组成部分,其性能的好坏直接影响到鱼雷的整体作战性能。

    Torpedo Guidance and Control System ( TGCS ) is an important part of torpedo , whose performance will directly influence torpedo 's battle performance .

  5. 在目标运动要素未知的条件下,方位导引法是线导鱼雷常用的导引方法,尾流自导鱼雷的制导技术要求鱼雷必须满足一定的角度进入目标尾流,才能发现尾流并跟踪击毁目标。

    Guiding using orientation is the main guiding method without moving elements of target for wire-guiding torpedo . To catch and kill target successfully the homing technology of wake homing require the enter angle of torpedo within certain extent .

  6. 多模式鱼雷制导系统的数学仿真研究是实验室条件下在计算机上对不同制导方式鱼雷制导系统进行系统性能、理论和方法的综合研究,是提高制导系统技战术指标的有效手段之一。

    The mathematic simulation research on multi-mode torpedo guidance system is an efficient method to know its performance , theory and method , to improve the tactical guideline of guidance technique .