
jiā wěi
  • tailing
  1. 我们应用多次加尾的方法,对大麦条纹花叶病毒新疆株的RNAs基因组进行克隆。

    A multistep tailing method had been developed to clone BSMV-RNAs .

  2. 方法3:对PCR产物通过非模板依赖性的酶促加尾反应在其3′端随机加入荧光修饰的核苷酸。

    Method 3 : fluorescent nucleoside analogue was randomly incorporated at the 3 ′ terminal of PCR product by template-independent enzyme-mediated tailing reaction .

  3. RNA加尾和引物延伸RT-PCR法实时定量检测胃癌中miRNAs的表达

    Real-time Quantification of MiRNAs by RNA-tailing and Primer-extension RT-PCR in Gastric Carcinoma

  4. 两个基因序列上均有Kozak序列及加尾信号多聚腺苷酸,证明了克隆序列的完整性。

    Both Kozak sequence and polyadenylation signal locating on the sequence revealed the integrity of the sequences we cloned .

  5. 该序列具有一个polyA加尾信号序列(TAATAAA),并富含连续的TTTT高保守区。

    It has a polyA tail-signal sequence ( TAATAAA ) and high-frequency TTTT sequences ( a kind of high conservative region ) .

  6. 3'-RACE实验证实,hb1f(nr5a2)基因能够利用3'端的两个加尾信号。

    Three isoforms of hb1f ( nr5a2 ) gene arise from alternative splicing , while 3 ' - RACE revealed that hb1f ( nr5a2 ) gene could utilize two polyadenylation signals .

  7. 加尾垫挤压生产不锈管的工艺完善

    Improving Process for Extruding Stainless Steel Tube by Adding Tail Cushion

  8. 线导加尾流自导鱼雷保持距离导引法

    The Guiding Method through Keeping Distance for the Wire and Wake Guided Torpedo

  9. 斗风筝所用的风筝是不加尾的,这样风筝的灵活性和可操作性才能不受损害。

    Tails are not used on fighter kites so that agility and maneuverability are not compromised .

  10. 1H-NMR法结合经典柱层析法,对南京炼油厂加氢尾油、催化油浆、重催油浆和催化重焦蜡油进行了研究。

    An analysis for the heavy oil of Nanjing Refinery by 1 H-NMR spectra and column chromatography have been carried out .

  11. 结果表明,利用GC-MS法对加氢尾油中多环芳烃进行分析,具有选择性高,响应呈线性,芳烃组分信号不受烷烃干扰,分析时间短和精密度好等优点。

    The results showed that the GC-MS had the advantages of high selectivity , rapid analysis , high precision , good linear response , and low interference on PAH signals , etc.

  12. 用NE、Ach局部滴加或尾静脉注射测试血管反应性,局部给药最小有效浓度NE为0.001ng/ml,Ach为0.01ng/ml;

    The reactivity of vessels was tested by giving NE or Ach either topically or intravenously . The minimal effective dose of NE for topical application was 0.001 ng / ml , and that of Ach was 0.01 ng / ml ;

  13. 加氢尾油裂解集总动力学模型的研究

    Research on lumping kinetics models for cracking of hydrocracker tail oil

  14. 加氢尾油光氯化法合成氯化石蜡的新工艺

    Study on the Photochemical Chlorination of Hydrocracking Tail Oil to Synthesize Chloroparaffin

  15. 利用加氢尾油生产特种油经济效益分析

    Analysis on economic returns of manufacturing special oil by hydrocracker unconverted oil

  16. 加筋尾矿砂的连续增强区

    Sequentially Reinforced Section of Tailings Sand Reinforced with Geotextile

  17. 加氢尾油的非临氢降凝工艺

    Non-Hydro-Dewaxing Technology of Hydrocracking Tail Oil

  18. 加氢尾油作裂解原料的工艺参数对产品收率的影响

    The effects of operating parameters on product yields with hydrogenation tail oil as feedstock in steam cracking

  19. 加氢尾油可作为优质的催化裂化或加氢裂化掺炼原料。

    The hydrogenation tail oil obtained from process could be used as superior FCC or hydrocracking feedstock .

  20. 结果表明,加氢尾油的馏分不适宜作为裂解原料,可以作为催化裂化的原料。

    The results show that fractions of the hydrogenation residue are suitable for catalyzed cracking materials instead of cracking materials .

  21. 以加氢尾油为原料,在固定床反应器上利用自制催化裂解催化剂进行中试试验。

    A pilot test was carried out on a fixed-bed reactor for catalytic cracking of hydrocracking bottoms over self-developed catalyst .

  22. 对加氢尾油通过酮苯脱蜡、溶剂精制、石蜡发汗以及白土精制生产润滑油基础油和石蜡进行研究及工业试生产。

    Unconverted oil from hydrocrackers can be treated in acetone-benzol dewaxing unit and clay treating plant to produce quality lube base oil .

  23. 结论:1新生期大鼠肠道内的慢性刺激加夹尾刺激可以在成年后引起慢性内脏敏感性增高。

    Chronic rectal irritation and stimulation with forceps clip on tails in the neonatal rats may lead to chronic rectal hypersensitivity in the adulthood .

  24. 为更好地掌握加氢尾油作裂解原料的工艺参数,为装置工业化生产提供可靠的科学依据。

    Studies on the operating parameters with hydrogenation tail oil as feedstock to provide reliable scientific data for commercial steam cracking were conducted on a pilot plant .

  25. 该工艺技术流程简单,生产方案灵活,化学耗氢低;加氢尾油产率高、质量好。

    This technology is simple in processing scheme , flexible in production option , with low chemical hydrogen consumption and high yields of unconverted oils of superior quality .

  26. 对辽河渣油悬浮床加氢尾油进行了延迟焦化和调合沥青试验,结果表明尾油可以得到充分利用。

    The utilization experiments of the unconverted oil of Liaohe residuum from the process as coker feedstock and asphalt blending component showed that the unconverted oil can be fully utilized .

  27. 发挥炼化一体化的资源优势,利用炼厂干气、拔头油、丙烷、丁烷、抽余油、加氢尾油等副产物作乙烯原料,可降低乙烯生产成本。

    By using refinery byproducts such as refining dry gas , reforming topped oil , propane , butane , raffinate oil and hydrogenation tail oil as feedstocks , the cost of ethylene production was reduced .

  28. 对加氢尾油的馏分组成及化学组成的分析确认,从加氢尾油中可生产出航煤、轻柴油、轻质润滑油、蜡和白油等产品。

    By analysing the distillates'and chemical components of hydrogenated residual oil ( HRO ), it is sure that the products such as jet fuel , light diesel oil , light lube oil , wax and white oil can be produced from HRO .

  29. 方法采用反复大鼠双侧颈总动脉缺血再灌注加剪尾放血法制备血管性痴呆大鼠模型,并对其进行行为学和生化学评价。

    Methods To establish a vascular dementia model by repeatedly clipping the common carotid artery and bloodletting from the rat tail , and to evaluate the model by testing the animal behavior and measurement of the acetylcholine content in hippocampus of the rats .

  30. 阐述以加氢尾油为进料,采用异构脱蜡、加氢精制工艺生产变压器油、冷冻机油、橡胶填充油等产品,使企业效益最大化。

    It is described that manufacturing transformer oil , refrigerator oil , rubber process oil and other products from the HUCO ( hydrocracker unconverted oil ) with the technologies of IDW ( Iso-Dewaxing ) and HDF ( Hydro-Dewaxing Finishing ) in order to maximize corporation 's return .