
  • 网络Canadian Passport;Passport Canada;Canada Passport
  1. 谁有权申请加拿大护照?

    Who has the right to apply for a Canadian passport ?

  2. 有效期不到半年的加拿大护照可以进美国吗?

    My son 's Canadian passport has already expired , but we had no problem entering US .

  3. 但申请是有限制的。你的名字必须是伊丽莎白·加拉赫,还得有加拿大护照。

    But   restrictions apply .   You   must   be   named   Elizabeth   Gallahgher   and   have   a   Canadian   passport .

  4. 加拿大护照放在紫外线下显示彩绘渥太华的国会大厦、尼亚加拉瀑布和其他景点。

    When placed under an ultraviolet light a Canadian passport displays colourful depictions of the Parliament buildings in Ottawa , Niagara Falls and other scenes .

  5. 自从去年新的美国旅行文件规则生效以来,许多加拿大护照申请中心都排起了长龙。

    There have been long lineups at many passport application centres across the country since late last year , just before new u.s.travel document requirements came into effect .

  6. 例如,芬兰护照同时也是一本行走驼鹿的手翻画册,护照每页背面右下角有驼鹿的画;新版本的加拿大护照上有隐藏的图像。

    Finlands passport , for example , doubles as a flip-book with a walking moose on the bottom right corner of every second page , while there are hidden images on the pages of new Canadian passports .