
  • 网络UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO;Waterloo University
  1. LauraMiddleton是多伦多新宁研究院(SunnybrookResearchInstitute)和加拿大滑铁卢大学的研究人员。

    Laura Middleton is a researcher at the Sunnybrook Research Institute and the University of Waterloo in Canada .

  2. 两年前,加拿大滑铁卢大学IgorGrossmann博士的研究显示情况的确如此。

    A study two years ago in North America , by Igor Grossmann of the University of Waterloo , in Canada , suggested that it is .

  3. 加拿大滑铁卢大学的生物力学脊柱教授斯图尔特·麦吉尔对仰卧起坐已经研究多年,深信这一传统的收腹运动确实会有损我们的身体。

    Stuart McGill , professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo in Canada has been studying sit-ups for years and is convinced that the traditional crunch does indeed cause us harm .

  4. 刘氏本人从加拿大的滑铁卢大学(universityofwaterloo)获工科学位后,于20世纪70年代从其父手上接过吊扇厂,之后他转向贸易行业发展。

    Armed with a science degree from the University of Windsor in Canada , Lau inherited a fan-making business from his father in the 1970s , then branched out into trading .

  5. 不过,加拿大安大略省滑铁卢大学开展的这一调查显示,美国人在这方面更合乎常规,随着年岁的增长而加深认知。

    Americans , however , are more conventional and develop deep understanding over time , according to research by the University of Waterloo in Ontario , Canada .

  6. 但和其他12岁小孩不一样的是,迪基将在加拿大安大略省的滑铁卢大学主修物理,辅修数学、化学和经济学。

    But unlike other 12 year olds , Diki will study physics and take additional classes in math , chemistry and economics at the University of Waterloo in Ontario , Canada .