
  • 网络Weighted scoring method;Weight Grade Method
  1. 传统的DRASTIC指标法适合地下水环境本质脆弱性评价,但不能较好地反映出特殊脆弱性,并且采用加权评分法掩盖了各评价因素指标值的连续变化对地下水环境脆弱性的影响。

    The conventional DRASTIC index method is only suitable for the essential vulnerability evaluation but can not reflect the special vulnerability . Owing to applying the adding-weight evaluation method , the influence of the continuous changes in index values of evaluation factors on the groundwater environmental vulnerability is concealed .

  2. 基于加权评分法的产品制造过程的绿色度评价

    Evaluation of Green Grade for Green Manufacture based on Weighted Grading Method

  3. 湖泊富营养化综合评价的坡度加权评分法

    Slope weighted scoring method for eutrophication comprehensive evaluation of lake

  4. 综合加权评分法的综合权重确定新探

    New Study on Determining the Weight of Index in Synthetic Weighted Mark Method

  5. 用综合加权评分法优化钻井泥浆配方的研究

    Experimental Study on Optimizing Mud Prescription for Well Drilling by Using Comprehensively Weighted Grading Method

  6. 综合加权评分法的研究

    Study on synthetical weighted mark method

  7. 方案选优的加权评分法

    Weighted scale method for alternative

  8. 可靠性综合评定方法:加权评分法、综合评判法。

    The comprehensive evaluating method for reliability consists of the method of weighted average and the method of comprehensive evaluation .

  9. 与传统的加权评分法相比,模糊综合评价具有更大的合理性和准确性,适和用于进行水资源状况的综合评价。

    Compared with the traditional method , the fuzzy comprehensive appraisal is more reasonable and exact and more suitable to appraise the fuzzy comprehensive appraisal of water resources state .

  10. 在新产品概念开发阶段,主要运用多设想(或方案)加权评分法对新产品设想进行筛选;

    In the new product concept evaluation stage , the filtration method , which considers relative importance and effect of each factor of the multi-scheme , can be mainly adopted .

  11. 基于该思想,在插值评分法的基础上提出了一个新的湖泊富营养化综合评价方法&坡度加权评分法。

    Based on above thoughts , a novel method , named Slope Weighted Scoring Method , is proposed for eutrophication comprehensive evaluation of lakes on the basis of Interpolation Scoring Method .

  12. 最后,考虑到影响方案评价的其它因素,应用价值工程理论中加权评分法进行了综合分析,其结果进一步证实了上述结论。

    Lastly , considering additional factors affecting plan evaluation , the plans are synthetically analysed by means of applying weighted mark method in value engineering , above-mentioned conclusion of which is confirmed further .

  13. 本文介绍了加权评分法的方法原理,提出了一个新的评定满足程度的方法&比例推算评分法,并列举了方法的应用案例。

    The weighted scale method is introduced , and a method of deduction in proportion for evaluating the degree of satisfication is suggested , which makes the weighted method more strict and accurate .

  14. 采用多因素、多水平和多指标的优选试验,并运用综合加权评分法确定影响茶机试验指标的主次因素和较优组合。

    The primary and secondary factors influencing test quotas are determined and a prior combination of these factors is obtained with the optimum seeking test of multi-factor , multi-level and multi-quota and the method of multiple weighting .

  15. 采用指标加权评分法,分析目标医院竞争的内外环境及其影响因素,找出目标医院存在的问题,为其生存和发展提供经营战略。

    Moreover , by using weight index scale method for analyzing the competitive outer and inner environment and the effective factors , we found the problems of a certain military hospital and stipulated a series of management strategies .

  16. 介绍了利用价值工程进行锅炉房设计方案评价的方法,阐述了价值、成本和功能之间的关系。采用费用年值法和10分制加权评分法,确定成本系数和功能系数。

    The evaluation method for design scheme of boiler room by value engineering is introduced , the relationship between value , cost and function is expounded , and the method of annual cost and weighted-in-points method with 10 points are used to determine the cost coefficient and the function coefficient .

  17. 非零值对比加权平均评分法在优化给排水工程方案中的应用

    Application of UN-ZERO compared weighted averaging estimation for the optimalization of the programme of water and wastewater works

  18. 在对长沙市社区居家老年人口精神生活质量的实证调查的基础上运用因子分析法和分等级加权综合评分法对所设计的指标体系进行分析和评价,并加以理论辨析。

    Based on the investigation of Changsha elderly , the writer applies the multivariate statistic analysis and the graded and weighted method of point rating to assess the quality of spiritual life for urban elderly living at home .

  19. 根据建立的评价指标体系制定调查表,选择上海市8个区的8个全科服务团队作为实证研究对象进行现场调查,采用加权累加综合评分法评价全科服务团队。

    We made the questionnaire according to the evaluation index system , and select eight general practitioner service teams of eight districts in Shanghai urban area as objective of demonstrative study on the spot .