
  • 网络GATUN;Gatun Lake;Lake Gatun;Cartun Lake
  1. 虽然一些环境保护主义者说扩建可能提高水道流经的加通湖(lakegatun)的盐分比例,但是主流的环保团体全都赞成扩建提议。

    Although some environmentalists say the proposed expansion might cause salt levels to rise in Lake Gatun , through which the canal passes , mainstream environmental groups have all endorsed the proposal .

  2. 加通湖堤道承载着铁路线,穿过了修建运河期间开辟的巨大人工湖。

    The causeway takes the railway , opened 59 years before the canal , across a vast artificial lake created during canal construction .

  3. 三道水闸令船只升高85英尺(约合25米),行至加通湖。后者为运河供水,也是巴拿马许多区域的饮用水来源。

    Three locks raise the ships 85 feet to Gatun Lake , which supplies water for the canal and drinking water for much of the country .

  4. 抽出一天时间去安比拉的印第安人村,去看看当地的手工艺品或去流往运河的人工湖加通湖玩。

    Take a day trip to the Embera Indian Village for local handicrafts or to the Gatun Lake , a manmade body of water that feeds into the canal .