
  • 网络Package Quality
  1. 基于RBF网络的香烟包装质量在线检测与诊断

    On-line Detection and Diagnosis of Cigarette Package Quality Based on the RBF Network

  2. 国外包装质量监督与检测概况

    Package quality supervision and inspection outside China

  3. 非PVC膜软袋大容量注射剂生产设备影响药品包装质量的因素探讨

    Influence of Non-PVC Membrane Bag Production Equipment for Large Volume Infusion to Drug Packing Quality

  4. 如何改善CH机的小盒透明纸包装质量

    How to Improve the Packing Quality of CH Cellophane Packer

  5. 改造后,包装质量明显提高,精整区综合能力达到80~100t/h以上。

    After rebuilding , packing quality is grealy improved , overall capacity in finishing bay is up to 80 ~ 100 tons / h.

  6. 因此,各钢铁企业十分重视产品的包装质量。

    Every steel enterprise pays attention to packing quality of products .

  7. GB15219-1994放射性物质运输包装质量保证

    Quality assurance for packaging used in the transport of radioactive materials

  8. 我国包装质量监督检验事业的发展现状

    Developing situation in quality supervision and inspection of packaging in our country

  9. 模糊多目标决策算法在产品包装质量评估中的运用

    Application of Fuzzy Multi-objective Decision-making Algorithms in Packaging Quality Evaluation

  10. 不变矩在药品包装质量检测中的应用

    The application of moment invariants in checking the drug 's packaging quality

  11. 浅谈瓶装啤酒包装质量的管理与控制

    Talk about the Management and Control of Packing Quality of Bottled Beer

  12. 用于香烟包装质量检测的图像匹配算法研究

    Research on Image Matching Algorithm for Cigarette Case Quality Detection

  13. 一种小包烟包装质量在线检测仪设计

    Design of on-line Detecting Instrument for Casing Quality Inspection of Small Package Cigarette

  14. 我国运输包装质量状况分析

    The Quality Analysis of the Transport Package in China

  15. 一种包装质量视觉检测软件的通用模型

    A general model of packing quality vision examination software

  16. 为提高药品包装质量提供了合理的依据。

    The purpose was to provide reference for improving the quality of medicine packaging .

  17. 影响包装质量与商品流通的要素

    Factors of Effecting Packaging Quality and Commodity Circulation

  18. 提高军用包装质量之管见

    On Improving the Quality of Military Packaging

  19. 乳品包装质量检测技术的应用

    Application of dairy packaging quality control technology

  20. 为了提高包装质量,取代原人工打捆,设计开发了钢管打捆包装机。

    In order to replace the manual packing , a steel tube packing machine is designed .

  21. 包装质量好坏直接影响钢捆的吊装、运输、产品销售以及企业的竞争力。

    Packing quality affects lifting , transportation , product sales and competition ability of enterprises directly .

  22. 基于图像处理的药品包装质量在线检测系统设计

    The design of the checking system on-line about materia medica packaging quality based on image processing

  23. 成品尿素包装质量的控制

    Quality control of urea product packing

  24. 用经验提供一切可能的专业服务,与您一起提高包装质量,降低包装成本。

    Our professional service can serve innovative packaging with lowest cost and top quality to satisfy your specific need .

  25. 小盒透明纸包装质量是衡量烟包外观质量的重要指标。

    The packing quality of cellophane packer is an important measurement about the surface quality of a cigarette packer .

  26. 散发出新的包装质量和真正的自然的感觉,将参与今天的消费者。

    The new packs exude both quality and a truly natural feel that will engage with today 's consumer .

  27. 本文描述了一种包装质量视觉检测系统中检测软件的通用模型。

    This text described a general model of examination software which is a part of packing quality vision examination system .

  28. 为提高轮胎的包装质量,设计了采用透明热塑薄膜进行轮胎包装的轮胎包装机。

    To improve the packaging quality of tyre , we design a packaging machine for packaging tyre which used transparent thermoplastic film .

  29. 产品的包装质量评估体系的评价指标主要有可靠性、方便性、环保性、经济性与艺术性。

    Reliable , convenient , environmental , economic , and artistic capability is the five indexes of product packaging quality evaluation system .

  30. 目前液体类灌装机在灌装能力和效率等方面存在不足,灌装效率低,制约了产品包装质量和生产率。

    Currently , some shortages in the ability and efficiency of filling exist , which restrict the quality of packaging and productivity .