
  • 网络the arctic oscillation
  1. 利用合成分析的方法,分析了冬季北太平洋风暴轴与北极涛动(AO)的关系。

    With the composite analysis , we studied the relationship of north pacific storm track and Arctic Oscillation .

  2. 分析了冬季北大西洋涛动(NAO)和北极涛动(AO)与新疆天山南北不同流域河川径流变化的关系。

    An analysis of the relationships between the North Atlantic Oscillation ( NAO ), Arctic Oscillation ( AO ) and river runoff throughout Xinjiang region of China was presented .

  3. 因此北极涛动和副热带涛动是沟通北大西洋、北太平洋SST异常的“大气桥”。

    So AO and STO is the " atmospheric bridge " which connects the north Atlantic SSTA with north Pacific SSTA .

  4. 其原因在于,北极涛动在对流层低层和高层都可激发类似EU遥相关型的异常,通过影响西伯利亚高压和东亚大槽影响华北地区气温。

    The reason may be that the AO can excite anomalies like the EU teleconnection pattern from low to high level in the troposphere which affect the Siberian High and East Asian Trough , thus influencing North China air temperature .

  5. 本文利用1948-2004年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对北太平洋风暴轴的空间分布、时间演变以及其与北极涛动(AO)的关系进行了初步研究。

    With the NCAR / NCEP reanalysis data , we studied the horizontal and vertical distributing of north hemisphere storm track and the relationship between the Arctic Oscillation and north pacific storm track .

  6. 分析了春季北极涛动(AO)指数的变化对梅雨ChangmaBaiu带夏季降水年际变化的影响。

    The influence of spring Arctic Oscillation ( AO ) on the summer rainfall over Meiyu Changma Baiu regions is analyzed .

  7. 在此基础上,分析并揭示了北半球平流层大气低频变化的主要模态北极涛动(AO)及其一些主要特征,并与对流层AO分布特征作了一些对比。

    Then , the Arctic Oscillation ( AO ) is described as the leading mode at the stratospheric atmosphere of NH , its distributions are figured out and is compared with AO in the tropospheric atmosphere .

  8. 近51年500hPa上北极涛动的时空变化特征分析

    Spatial and Temporal Variation Characteristics of Arctic Oscillation on 500 hPa in Recent Fifty-One Years

  9. 利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和我国160站月平均气温资料,首先采用线性回归的方法分析了从1958至1998年40个冬季北极涛动(AO)与东亚气候异常的关系。

    By using the NCEP / NCAR reanalysis data and the monthly temperature data from 160 China stations , the relationship between the Arctic Oscillation and the climate anomalies over East Asia in the wintertime is firstly studied from 1958 to 1998 with linear regression .

  10. 运用NCEP/NCARSLP再分析月资料,分析研究了北极涛动的季节性差异,着重讨论了夏季北极涛动的时空特征。

    Using the NCEP / NCAR reanalysis monthly data of SLP , the seasonal difference of Arctic Oscillation ( AO ) is studied with the emphasis on the temporal and spatial features of the summer AO .

  11. 北极涛动与我国北方强沙尘暴的关系

    Relationship between Arctic Oscillation and Spring Severe Sandstorm in North China

  12. 北极涛动对河南省冷暖变化的可能影响

    The Possible Influence of Arctic Oscillation on Temperature in He'nan Province

  13. 东北地区冬季气温与北极涛动年代际关系研究

    Decadal Relationship between Winter Air Temperature in Northeast China and Arctic Oscillations

  14. 北极涛动年际、年代际变化特征的诊断研究

    Diagnostic Studies on the Inter-annual and Inter-decadal Variability Characteristics of the Arctic Oscillation

  15. 近百年北极涛动对中国冬季气候的影响

    Influence of Arctic Oscillation on Winter Climate over China

  16. 北极涛动异常对西北地区东部沙尘暴频次的影响

    Effect of Arctic Oscillation on Sandstorm in the Eastern Part of Northwest China

  17. 河南省气温变化与北极涛动指数的关系研究

    Relationship of AOI and Temperature Variation in Henan Province

  18. 夏季北极涛动的时空特征

    Temporal and Spatial Features of Summer Arctic Oscillation

  19. 北极涛动的纬向对称结构

    Zonal Symmetry Structure of Arctic Oscillation

  20. 1957-2000年东北地区春季极端气温变化及其与北极涛动的关系

    Variations of Spring Extreme Temperature Indexes in Northeast China and Their Relationships with the Arctic Oscillation

  21. 春季格陵兰海冰变化及与北大西洋涛动和北极涛动的联系

    Interdecadal Variations of Spring Greenland Sea-ice Extent and Its Relationships with North Atlantic and Arctic Oscillations

  22. 北极涛动与中国气温和降水变化的关系与机制及其与南方涛动关系初步研究

    On the Relationship of Arctic Oscillation to Variation of China Air Temperature and Rainfall and Sothern Oscillation

  23. 研究进一步揭示了冬季北极涛动可能影响西伯利亚高压的可能机理。

    This study further reveals the possible mechanism of how the winter AO is related to winter SH.

  24. 北大西洋涛动和北极涛动与新疆河川径流变化

    Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Arctic Oscillation on River Runoff over Xinjiang Region , China

  25. 其中北极涛动对亚洲大陆的温度贡献最高达到30%,西伯利亚高压的贡献为24%。而区域平均降水变化的9.8%与西伯利亚高压有关

    The fraction solely related to the Siberian High is 24 % and 9.8 % in temperature and precipitation

  26. 夏季北极涛动与亚洲中部干湿状况关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between the Change of Arctic Oscillation and the Relative Humidity over Central Asia in Summer

  27. 基于三组历史试验结果,应用统计分析方法对北半球春季积雪面积和北极涛动进行了归因分析。

    Based on the results of three historical experiments , attribution of Northern Hemisphere spring snow cover and AO are analyzed .

  28. 基于上述分析,文中倾向于认同将北极涛动和北大西洋涛动区别考虑的观点。

    Based on the analysis above , the results of this paper make us incline to regarding the AO and the NAO as different .

  29. 北极涛动、西伯利亚高压、东亚冬季风等是影响东北冬季气温年际变化的主要因子;

    Arctic Oscillation , Siberian high , and East Asian winter monsoon are the major factors affecting the interannual variations of winter temperature in Northeast China ;

  30. 另外年降水集中度与集中期同夏季北极涛动和东亚夏季风在年代际尺度上也存在很好的相关性。

    Furthermore it is proved that there are better correlation between PCD , PCP and the east Asia summer Monsoon , summer Arctic oscillation in inter-decadal scale .