
  • 网络Anonymous function;LAMBDA
  1. 这个tofunction实现做了一件事&返回一个匿名函数。

    This version of to_function does one thing-it returns an anonymous function .

  2. VisualBasic的迭代器,看上去更像一个匿名函数。

    Visual Basic 's Iterators , look more like an anonymous function .

  3. Go为声明匿名函数提供了简单的语法。

    Go provides a simple syntax for declaring anonymous functions .

  4. 例如,有一个用在匿名函数里头的ParallelFor语法。

    For example , there is a Parallel For syntax that relies on anonymous functions .

  5. 在Erlang里,匿名函数以“fun”关键字起头,“end”关键字结尾。

    Anonymous functions begin and end with keywords'fun'and'end'in Erlang .

  6. 请注意将您传递到extend函数的映射从关键字映射到匿名函数。

    Notice that the map you pass to the extend function maps from keywords to anonymous functions .

  7. 上面的这个匿名函数很简单,它仅仅包装了一下broker。

    This particular anonymous function is pretty simple : it wraps broker .

  8. 这个版本的tofunction取得业务逻辑的抽象形式之后,会返回一个匿名函数(与前一个版本的tofunction一样)。

    Once the business logic is obtained in abstract form within this version of to_function , it returns an anonymous function ( just like the first version of to_function ) .

  9. 按照设计,闭包是匿名函数,这意味着它们不显示在反射API中。

    By design , closures are anonymous functions , which means they do not appear in the reflection API .

  10. 那些匿名函数所需的本地变量据说被“封闭”(closedover)或“提升”(lifted)到该匿名类中。

    Locals variables needed by those functions are said to " closed over " or " lifted " into the anonymous class .

  11. 不过对于VB用户来说,在不支持多行匿名函数的语言里,新语法看起来没那么清爽。

    Unfortunately for VB users , it isn 't nearly as clean in languages that don 't support multi-line anonymous functions .

  12. 给仿真器的第二行命令是产生一个匿名函数的Erlang进程,并且返回进程ID。

    The second command given to the emulator spawns an anonymous function as an Erlang process and returns the process id.

  13. 然后将一个匿名函数(closure)传入到onEvent属性。

    You then pass in an anonymous function ( closure ) to the onEvent property .

  14. 它构造一种抽象形式的Erlang表达式,并返回一个匿名函数,让它以后再动态地求解。

    It builds an Erlang expression in abstract form and returns an anonymous function which can dynamically evaluate it later .

  15. IEnumerabl的函数将通常以一个“ReturnIterator”代码块开始,它是VB新匿名函数、多行函数语法的一种特例。

    The IEnumerable function will generally begin with a " Return Iterator " block , which is a special case of VB 's new anonymous , multi-line function syntax .

  16. 就是说,closure是个匿名函数,在其创建时,将来自创建该函数的代码范围内得变量值附加到它本身。

    That is , a closure is an anonymous function that , when created , attaches to itself the value of variables from the scope of the code that created the function .

  17. YUI分析器提供了一种调用匿名函数的机制,使得它们可以被分析。

    The YUI Profiler provides a mechanism for instrumenting anonymous functions , allowing them to be profiled .

  18. JavaScript是一种很棒的事件驱动编程语言,因为它允许使用匿名函数和闭包,更重要的是,任何写过代码的人都熟悉它的语法。

    JavaScript is a great language for event-driven programming , because it allows anonymous functions and closures , and more importantly , the syntax is familiar to nearly everyone who has ever coded .

  19. 一个Groovy闭包是一个匿名函数,它可访问包含它的范围,可随意被重复调用,并可将其当作数据到处传递。

    A Groovy Closure is an anonymous function that can access its enclosing scope , can be called repeatedly at will , and be passed around as it were data .

  20. Scala为定义匿名函数提供了一种轻量级的语法,它支持高阶(higher-order)函数、允许函数嵌套、支持局部套用(currying)。

    Scala provides a lightweight syntax for defining anonymous functions , it supports higher-order functions , it allows functions to be nested , and supports currying .

  21. 和XAML不同的是,既可以把一个函数作为参数传入,也可以通过一个内联的匿名函数来定义转换器。

    Unlike XAML , you have the option of either passing in a function or defining the converter inline as an anonymous function .

  22. 与支持函数编程的其他语言不同,Ceylon不支持匿名函数(直接出现在表达式中的未命名函数)。

    Unlike other languages with functional support , Ceylon doesn 't support anonymous functions ( unnamed functions that appear directly in expressions ) .

  23. 因此对于onInput参数,将创建一个匿名函数。

    So for the onInput parameter , you create an anonymous function .

  24. 我将一个匿名函数传递给filter()方法,使用局部套用将dividesBy()方法的第一个参数的值设置为用来创建代码块的值。

    I pass an anonymous function to the filter () method , using currying to fix the first parameter of the dividesBy () method to the value used to create the code block .

  25. Lambda函数(或者通常所谓的“匿名函数”)是可以随时定义的简单抛弃型函数,并且通常都与变量绑定。

    Lambda functions ( or " anonymous functions ," as they are often referred to ) are simply throwaway functions that can be defined at any time and are typically bound to a variable .

  26. 其中一个引用是闭包持有的(匿名函数指定给onclick事件)并且即使您删除了节点,也不会被检测到。

    One of the references is held by the closure ( the anonymous function assigned to the onclick event ) and can 't be deleted even if you remove the node .

  27. 在这里,在执行each函数调用的匿名函数期间,我们希望能够修改Organizer的pixMap字段。

    In this case , we want to be able to alter the Organizer 's pixMap field during the execution of the anonymous function being called by the each function .

  28. afterFinish的值是一个匿名函数,在效果完成时被调用。

    The value of afterFinish is an anonymous function that is invoked when the effect is done .

  29. 此处,filter接受谓词,这是一个隐式返回布尔值(startsWith()调用的结果)的匿名函数,并使用args中的每个元素来调用谓词。

    Here , filter takes the predicate , an anonymous function that implicitly returns a boolean ( the result of the startsWith () call ) and calls the predicate with every element in the " args " array .

  30. 每个块都是作为一个匿名函数体来执行的。

    Each chunk is executed as the body of an anonymous function .