
  • 网络semiconductor interface
  1. 杂质对金属-半导体界面电子态的影响

    Impurity Effect on Density of States of Metal Semiconductor Interface

  2. 利用金属/无机半导体界面模型对金属/有机半导体界面偶极层进行了数值研究。

    Based on the metal / inorganic semiconductor interfacial model , a numerical study on the metal / organic semiconductor interface is made .

  3. 为了有效阻止锆钛酸铅镧(PLZT)与半导体界面发生反应和互扩散,根据锆钛酸铅镧和钛酸铋(BIT)各自的铁电性能,提出了一种新的设计思想&多层铁电薄膜。

    In order to prevent reaction and mutual diffusion on PLZT-semiconductor interface , a new design of multilayer ferroelectric thin film is presented based on PLZT and BIT 's ferroelectric characteristics .

  4. 通过对价带谱及高分辨率的Ga,As芯能级谱的研究表明,在较低的覆盖度下(02nm),Tb与GaAs衬底的反应很弱,形成较突变的金属/半导体界面。

    The valence spectra and high resolution As 3 d and Ga 3 d core levels spectra show that there is a weak reaction of Tb and the substrate at low Tb coverage ( 0 2 nm ) and the interface is nearly abrupt .

  5. 金属层厚对金属&半导体界面性质的影响

    Metal overlayer thickness effects on the properties of a metal-semiconductor interface

  6. 有机单分子修饰的半导体界面瞬态光电特性

    Interfacial transient photoelectronic properties of semiconductor modified by organic supramolecular film

  7. 金属&半导体界面附近的空位电子态

    The electronical states of the vacancy near a metal-semiconductor interface

  8. InSb/GaAs半导体界面结构研究

    An Investigation on the Interface Structure of InSb / GaAs

  9. 聚酯改性硅漆与硅半导体界面带电规律的研究

    Study of the interface charge between SP and silicon semiconductor

  10. 金属/有机半导体界面偶极层的研究

    Study of metal / organic semiconductor interfacial dipole layer

  11. Pd-化合物半导体界面的价带研究

    Valence Band Studies on Pd / Compound Semiconductor Interfaces

  12. 金属/Ⅲ-Ⅴ族半导体界面费米能级的位移

    The Shift of Fermi Level at the Interface between Metal and ⅲ - ⅴ Compound Semiconductor

  13. 本文用紧束缚模型发展了金属&半导体界面附近的空位理论。

    This paper develops the theory of vacancies near a metal-semiconductor interface within a tight-binding model .

  14. 介绍了可以在微观级对半导体界面的电学性质进行评价的两种新技术及其应用。

    Two methods used in the microanalysis of semiconductor interfaces , Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy ( BEEM ) and Scanning Internal Photoemission Microscopy ( SIPM ), are described .

  15. 极性半导体异质界面上二维激子的极化子效应

    Polaron Effects on 2D Excitons near a Polar Semiconductor Heterointerface

  16. 平均键能模型是一种建立在数值基础上的用来确定半导体异质界面能带偏移的模型方法。本文首先对这一模型方法的物理基础进行了理论分析,并给予其完整的物理解释。

    In this paper , we present a full explanation for the average-bond-energy ( ABE ) model , which was developed , on the basis of numerical calculations , for the determination of valence-band offsets at heterointerfaces .

  17. 这归因于染料敏化太阳能电池中存在的N型半导体/电解质界面具有和PN结相类似的伏安特性,即整流特性。

    This is because the N-type semiconductor / electrolyte interfaces involved in DSSCs have the same IV characteristics like that of a PN junction .

  18. 半导体表面和界面研究中的ETBM方法

    The etbm in the research of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces

  19. 半导体超晶格界面附近的电荷转移

    Theoretical Study of Charge-Transfer near Interface Region in Semiconductor Superlattices

  20. 半导体表面和界面电子态的研究进展

    Progress of researches on the surface and interface electronic states of Semiconductors

  21. 第一届全国半导体表面、界面物理学术会议简讯

    First National Conference on Physics of Semiconductor Surface and Interface

  22. 半导体表面、界面和杂质、缺陷;

    Surfaces and interfaces , impurities and defects ;

  23. Ⅳ族半导体表面和界面结构与特性

    Surfaces and Interfaces of Group ⅳ Semiconductors

  24. 从理论上也论证了在半导体/溶液界面上的直接电子转移反转区的存在。

    Furthermore , the existence of inverted regions was demonstrated theoretically in direct electron transfers between the semiconductor / electrolyte interface .

  25. 一种电荷耦合器件,其中在器件的半导体-绝缘体界面处建立电势井。电荷沿着该界面传输。

    A charge-coupled device in which the potential wells are created at the semiconductor insulator interface and the charge is transferred along that interface .

  26. 第一届全国固体表面会议及第二届全国半导体表面和界面物理会议将于今年第四季度召开

    The First National Conference on Solid Surface and the Second National Conference on Surface and Interface Physics of Semiconductors to be Hold in the Fourth Season 1982

  27. 从敏化太阳能电池的工作机理来看,敏化剂(染料及量子点)与半导体薄膜的界面接触、光阳极的结构、对电极的催化还原性能等是影响其光电转换效率的主要原因。

    Based on the working mechanism of SSCs , the interface contact between the sensitizer ( dye or quantum dots ) and semiconductor film , the structure of photoanode , and the electrochemical catalytic activity of counter electrode are important factors for the device performance .

  28. 在电子技术中,一种P型和N型半导体材料之间的界面,这种界面可以产生二极管效应。

    In electronics , an interface between a P-type and N-type semiconductor material ; such an interface produces a diode effect .

  29. EIS型半导体生化传感器EI界面势的理论模拟

    Simulation of EI-Interface Voltage in an EIS-Type Semiconductor Biochemical Sensor

  30. 利用热场发射理论和数值计算方法,分析了碲镉汞光伏器件的电流-电压特性,提取了金属-半导体(MS)界面参数,并对这些参数进行了讨论。

    The MS interface parameters are extracted from HgCdTe PV devices ' current voltage characteristic by applying Thermionic Field Emission ( TFE ) theory and numerical analysis .