
huá běi píng yuán
  • the North China Plain;Northern China Plain
华北平原 [huá běi píng yuán]
  • [North China Plain] 中国北部大平原,由黄河、海河、淮河等冲积而成,故又名黄淮海平原,面积31万平方公里。土质肥沃,地势平坦,夏季高温多雨,历来为重要的农业区

  1. 华北平原农田水热、CO2通量的研究

    Studies of Water , Heat and CO_2 Fluxes over a Crop Field in the North China Plain

  2. 华北平原典型农田水、热与CO2通量的测定

    Measurement and Analysis of Water , Heat and CO2 , Flux from a Farmland in the North China Plain

  3. 基于MODIS植被指数时间谱的华北平原土地覆盖分类

    Land cover classification of North China Plain using MODIS_EVI temporal profile

  4. 基于大样本~(14)C测年资料的华北平原沉积速率研究

    A study of depositional rate in the North China Plain during the past 40000 years , based on ~ ( 14 ) c dating data from a large wealth of samples

  5. 华北平原的水资源短缺状况不断恶化,而这里创造了中国40%的GDP。

    Water shortages in the North China Plain are getting worse . This is where 40 per cent of the country 's GDP is generated .

  6. 中尺度对流复合体(MCC)会给华北平原带来暴雨灾害。

    The Mesoscale Convective Complex ( MCC ) can generate the torrential rainfall in the North China Plain .

  7. 基于ERDAS研究华北平原第四系黏土微观孔隙分形特征

    Microcosmic Pore Fractal Characteristic of the Quaternary Clay in the North China Plain Based on ERDAS

  8. 以华北平原冬小麦农田尺度为研究对象,采用涡度相关技术,研究冬小麦灌浆期瞬态CO2通量日变化特征及其与农田热量平衡各分量的关系。

    The diurnal variation of instantaneous carbon dioxide flux and the relationship between it and components of farmland energy balance during grain filling stage of winter wheat by eddy correlation technique were studied .

  9. 1996年4月~6月在华北平原采用波文比-能量平衡法测定冬小麦田蒸散和CO2通量,求取冬小麦瞬时水分利用效率。

    Evapotranspiration and CO 2 fluxes were measured using Bowen ratio energy balance method in winter wheat field in North China Plain from April to June 1996 and instantaneous water use efficiency ( WUE ) was obtained .

  10. BEPS模型在华北平原冬小麦估产中的应用

    Application of BEPS model in estimating winter wheat yield in North China Plain

  11. 论述了根据热惯量理论,利用气象卫星AVHRR资料,对华北平原的土壤墒情进行动态监测的方法。

    A dynamic monitoring method of soil moisture in North China was described , according to heat inertia theory , and by using polar orbit satellite AVHRR data .

  12. 邯郸市东部平原区属华北平原冀南坳陷,新生界厚度约1500m。

    The eastern plain of Handan city belongs to the south Hebei depression . The Cenozoic is about 1 500 m in depth .

  13. 2003年7月至2004年9月在中科院山东禹城综合试验站采用静态箱法原位测定了华北平原典型棉花田、玉米田、大豆田和小麦田土壤及植株N2O通量。

    Experimental studies were done at the Yucheng comprehensive experimental station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences during 2003-2004.Soil and crop N_2O fluxes were measured by using close chamber method in typical cotton , summer maize , soybean and winter wheat fields in North China Plain .

  14. 华北平原是我国研究程度较高的地区,历年来积累了大量的14C测年资料。

    The North China Plain is an area where much research in Quaternary geology has been done and a large number of 14C dating data is available from published materials .

  15. 对应于Q21红土期、北方S5成壤期、华北平原发生海侵事件和东部海平面上升。

    Correspond to Q21 red earth period , north S5 period , sea water intrusion event in North China Plain and sea-level rose in eastern areas .

  16. 采用静态箱法研究了华北平原典型农田土壤N2O通量的日变化、季节变化特征,并分析土壤温度、水分对土壤N2O通量的影响。

    Diurnal and seasonal variation of soil N2O fluxes were measured using close chamber method in typical crop fields in North China Plain . The influence of soil temperature and moisture on soil N2O flux was also discussed .

  17. 而陆地上如华北平原、长白山附近以及京津唐地区由于受到地形、城市热岛效应等作用,属于午后活跃型MCV。

    Whereas on land like North China Plain 、 around Changbai Mountains and Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan ( BTT ) region MCVs were active on afternoon because of the effects of terrain 、 urban heat island , and so on .

  18. 中国的南水北调工程,如果全部实施,每年可从长江流域调水400-500亿m3到华北平原,以缓解华北地区的3-3.25亿人的水短缺问题。

    The Yangtze River diversion project , or the south-to-north water transfers project , if completed , will enable 40-50 billion m3 of waters to be annually transferred from the Yangtze to the north of China , thus solving the water shortage problems for 300-325 million people .

  19. 为合理开发利用地下水及水资源调蓄,通过物探、钻探及室内分析数据,对华北平原埋深20~35m的数条SW&NE向砂带进行了研究。

    A study of several NE_SW trending sand belts buried 20 ~ 35m underground in North China Plain from geophysical and drilling and experimental data has been carried out for a rational exploitation and utilization of ground water .

  20. 华北平原是我国经济发展过程中受水资源制约最严重的地区之一,由于连续的过量开采导致地下水位下降,地下水位埋深大多下降到20m以下。

    The North China Plain ( NCP ) is the region that most seriously suffers the shortage of water resource during the economic booming of China . The groundwater level has decreased to below 20m in most places due to continuous over-pumping of groundwater .

  21. 考古学方法为解决地质时期第四纪,尤其全新世的年代问题提供了方便,在地质、地貌等研究中得到应用。华北平原是我国研究程度较高的地区,历年来积累了大量的14C测年资料。

    The archeological methods make it possible to determine the age of Quaternary geology , especially Holocene . The North China Plain is an area where much research in Quaternary geology has been done and a large number of 14C dating data is available from published materials .

  22. 鄂尔多斯、华北平原和鲁东黄海地块的运动速率分别为4.8mm/a、5.0mm/a、5.2mm/a,运动方向分别为SE50°、40°、35°。

    The motion rates of Ordos , North China plain and Eastern Shandong Huanghai blocks are 4.8 mm / a , 5.0 mm / a and 5.2 mm / a and their motion directions are SE50 °, SE40 ° and SE35 ° respectively .

  23. 华北平原城市用水问题研究

    The Study on Urban Water Supply and Consumption of Huabei Plain

  24. 华北平原地下水补给评价模块设计

    Designing the Evaluation Modules of Groundwater Recharge in North China Plain

  25. 论华北平原的黄河古水系

    Ancient drainage system of the Yellow River on North China Plain

  26. 华北平原地下水位动态变化影响因素分析

    Factors affecting dynamic variation of groundwater level in North China Plain

  27. 利用遥感方法估算华北平原陆面蒸散量

    Estimating Regional Evapotranspiration in North China Plain with Remote Sensing Method

  28. 华北平原水资源供需状况诊断

    Diagnosis of water supply and demand in the North China Plain

  29. 华北平原1981~2001年作物蒸散量的时空分异特征

    Spatio-temporal Distribution of Crop Evapotranspiration from 1981-2001 over the North China Plain

  30. 华北平原对流风暴的个例分析

    A Case Study of a Convective Storm over the North China Plain