
  1. “华龙一号”符合国际原子能机构的所有安全要求。

    Hualong-1 is compliant with all safety requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency .

  2. 阿根廷政府也同意使用“华龙一号”的技术修建发电厂。

    The Argentinian government has also agreed to build a plant using the Hualong-1 technology .

  3. “华龙一号”由中国核工业集团和中国广核集团共同建设。

    Hualong-1 is being jointly developed by the China National Nuclear Corporation and the China General Nuclear Power Group .

  4. 因此,专家们努力确保福清“华龙一号”周边环境的安全性。

    As such , experts at the Hualong-1 construction site in Fuqing are working to ensure the safety of the surrounding environment .

  5. 在中国证明其技术经得起反复考验之前,怀疑者仍然会对彻底接受华龙一号保持警惕。

    Until China demonstrates that its technology is tried and tested , sceptics will remain wary of fully committing to the Hualong One .

  6. 在福清,“华龙一号”核反应堆室正在进行封顶,其穹顶直径宽24米。

    A dome measuring 24 meters across is now being installed on top of the reactor chamber at the Hualong-1 nuclear power plant , which is under construction in the city of Fuqing .