
xié zuò
  • collaborate;cooperate with;cooperation;coordination;concert;team up;combined efforts
协作 [xié zuò]
  • [concert] 互相配合,共同完成某项任务

协作[xié zuò]
  1. 这两个组同意相互协作。

    The two groups agreed to cooperate with each other .

  2. 各部分软件的协作运行,实现系统的自动发药操作。在系统设计过程中,较多地应用了CASE(计算机辅助软件工程)技术。

    All parts of the system cooperate with each other to complete the distribution of drugs automatically . A large number of Computer Aided Software Engineering ( CASE ) technologies are applied during designing stage of system .

  3. 要把社区工作做好,协作活动是必不可少的。

    Cooperative activity is essential to effective community work .

  4. 政府和教师就新的课程进行了紧密协作。

    The government worked in close collaboration with teachers on the new curriculum .

  5. 如今的建筑结构复杂,需要建筑师和施工人员密切协作。

    Today 's complex buildings require close teamwork between the architect and the builders .

  6. 他们的团队协作总是很好。

    Their teamwork was invariably good

  7. 他说他们都需要通力协作以使国家恢复元气。

    He said they all needed to work together to put the country on its feet again .

  8. 厂际协作和互相帮助已蔚然成风。

    Co-ordination and mutual help between factories has become the order of the day .

  9. 管理上区域旅游属于经济协作区的范畴。

    Regional tourism is belong to a category of economic region .

  10. 大规模的研究应该是协作的。

    Large scale studies should be collaborative .

  11. 各国政府和国际政治、经济协作组织几乎没有间断地举行各种会议,磋商各种救助和刺激方案,控制经济下行风险。

    Individual governments and international political and economic blocs have held nearly non-stop meetings and consultations to stem the downturn with a variety of bailout and stimulus packages .

  12. 饭店集团是在饭店业高度发展基础上形成的一种由众多饭店组织共同构建,通过资本融合和经营协作关系等方式组成的经济联合体。

    Hotel Group is a sort of economic conglomerate that is formed by a number of hotels through capital combination and business cooperation on the basis of a highly developed Hotel industry .

  13. 提出有趣的问题似乎是一种可以转移的技能,能够深化针对展品中发现的科学内容的协作性研究。

    Asking juicy questions appears to be a transferable skill for deepening collaborative inquiry into the science content found in exhibits .

  14. 他的主要论点是,城市生活的喧嚣,以及它为合作和协作提供的机会,是吸引人们来到城市的原因,而来到城市的人反过来又使城市成为艺术、商业、科学和进步的引擎。

    His main thesis is that the buzz of urban life , and the opportunities it offers for co-operation and collaboration , is what attracts people to the city , which in turn makes cities into the engines of art , commerce , science and progress .

  15. 但和其他社交机器人一样,Oshbot并不是要取代工人而是要和其他员工协作。

    But Oshbot , like other social robots , is not intended to replace workers , but to work alongside other employees .

  16. 棒球对协作任务的要求使其区别于足球和篮球。

    This task interdependence distinguishes baseball from football and basketball .

  17. 自主和协作并重,以互利共赢为途径寻求普遍核安全。

    The international community should attach equal importance to independent and collaborative efforts , and seek universal nuclear security through win-win cooperation .

  18. 但是双标记水很昂贵,所以该研究通过29个国家科研人员的通力协作才收集到6400人的信息。

    But doubly labelled water is incredibly expensive , so it took researchers working together across 29 countries to gather data on 6400 people .

  19. 面对世纪疫情叠加百年变局,中俄相互坚定支持,密切有效协作,生动诠释了中俄新时代全面战略协作伙伴关系的深刻内涵。

    In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic unseen in a century , China and Russia have firmly supported each other and cooperated closely and effectively , which is a vivid demonstration for a new era .

  20. “祝”,表达了对人类踏进星辰大海的美好祝愿,“融”,体现融合、协作,表达中国人和平利用太空、增进人类福祉的格局和愿景。

    Zhurong is the god of fire in ancient Chinese mythology and cooperation ) reflects China 's vision of the peaceful use of space and the building of a community with a shared future for humanity .

  21. 通过“群面”,用人单位可以对应聘者的沟通和人际交往能力、说服力、对别人的影响力、领导能力、任务分配技巧、组织与计划能力,以及团队协作能力等进行考察。

    The skills been observed include communication and interpersonal ability , persuasiveness3 and the ability to influence others , leadership and delegation4 , organizational and planning skills and the ability to work and contribute as a team-member .

  22. Web服务合成包括服务组合和服务协作。

    The web service combination includes the service composition and the service collaboration .

  23. 南水北调东线水资源调度多Agent模型与协作分析

    Multi-Agent Model and Its Cooperation Analysis of South-North Water Transferring System

  24. 专家系统与多agent协作系统

    Expert Systems and multi-Agent Cooperative Systems

  25. 传统CAD技术缺乏映射客观现实环境的能力,限制了人机协作环境一体化。

    Traditional CAD lacks capability for mapping objective world , confining human-computer collaboration .

  26. 分布式多Agent协作技术

    Distributed Multiple Agent Protocol Technique

  27. 基于XML的协作虚拟样机通信技术

    XML-based Collaborative Virtual Prototyping Communication Technique

  28. 基于个性Agent的MAS默契协作模型研究

    Based on Personality Agent MAS Tacit Cooperation Model Study

  29. 协作缓存CC(CooperativeCache)技术将各服务器的内存协调工作,形成全局的cache。

    Cooperative cache makes each memory work together and forms a global cache .

  30. 用SOAP实现跨平台的组件的协作和重用

    Implement interoperability and reuse of cross-platform components using soap