
dān jī yīn xìnɡ zhuànɡ
  • single gene trait;monogenic character
  1. 结果:发现手掌小鱼际区真实花纹在五个家系中表现单基因性状的系谱特点。

    Results : The true pattern in the palmar hypothenar area showed the pedigree character of monogenic trait in 5 families .

  2. 遗传分析显示该突变是一个单基因控制的隐性性状,并与T-DNA插入表现共分离。

    Genetic analyses supported this mutation phenotype was a recessive trait controlled by a single gene and co-segregated with the T-DNA .

  3. 结果表明:白化颖壳性状属细胞核遗传,为单基因控制的隐性性状;

    The results showed that the albino lemma trait is controlled by one recessive gene ;