
  1. 南非科学院前院长WielandGevers说,在发展中国家的期刊上发表的科研论文必须获得更多的承认。

    Research published in journals in the developing world must receive more recognition , says former president of the Academy of Science of South Africa , Wieland Gevers .

  2. WielandGevers刚刚从南非科学院首席执行官职位上卸任,他还是其学术出版委员会成员。

    Wieland Gevers was , until recently , the executive officer of the Academy of Science of South Africa , and is the chair of its Committee on Scholarly Publishing .

  3. 南非科学工业研究院(SouthAfrica'sCouncilforScientificandIndustrialResearch)的鲍勃斯科尔斯(BobScholes)和乌恩斯比格斯(OonsieBiggs)于上周发表了他们的生物多样性完好率指数('biodiversityintactnessindex')。

    Bob Scholes and Oonsie Biggs of South Africa 's Council for Scientific and Industrial Research published their'biodiversity intactness index'last week in Nature .