
  • 网络kalmar
  1. 她特别提到,该公司在瑞典南部城市卡尔马(Kalmar)的分店经理目前正在休为期六个月的产假。

    She noted the manager at H & M 's store in Kalmar , located in southern Sweden , is on six months paternity leave .

  2. 这就是卡尔马尼奥拉舞。

    This was the Carmagnole .

  3. 厂家曾极力地把人性注入工作场所,一个例子就是位于卡尔马的沃尔沃汽车装配厂。

    Manufacturers have tried to install humanity in the workplace , like Volvo car assembly plant at Kalmar where each team had its own workshops .

  4. 它原本是由发达国家为卡尔马该公司设计的电脑系统“的图形数据系统”和“二律”。

    Originally it was developed by Calma for that company 's layout design computer systems " Graphic Data System " and " GDS II " .

  5. 卡尔马营地形势糟糕,因为给这里提供饮用水和清洁设施的非政府组织就在被驱逐者的名单中。

    The Kalma camp is a very dire situation because the NGOs that are providing water and sanitation to that camp are amongst those being expelled .