
  • 网络indiana state university;indiana state;Indiana University
  1. 通过与印第安纳州立大学、波特兰州立大学、斯坦福大学、亚利桑那州立大学、昆特仑理工大学及英属哥伦比亚大学等学校合作,ImageX创建了一系列专为高等教育设计的Drupal模块。

    By working with schools including Indiana State University , Portland State University , Stanford , Arizona State University , Kwantlen Polytechnic University , and the University of British Columbia , ImageX built a series of Drupal modules with a workflow specifically designed for higher education .

  2. 日,美国印第安纳州立大学代表团访问辽宁大学。

    May16-19 , Indiana State University delegation visited Liaoning University .

  3. 最近在印第安纳州立大学有一项研究,研究员发现笑声不但能减轻压力,还能提高癌症和艾滋病的治愈率。

    In a recent study at the Indiana State University , researchers found that laughter can not only reduce stress , but also improve the chances to survive cancer and HIV .

  4. 很多运动人士将仰卧起坐作为锻炼的一种方式,来提高自己身体核心区的稳定性。但是印第安纳州立大学的托马斯·内赛尔的研究表明,核心区稳定性的提高不一定会让你在运动上有很好的表现。

    Many sportspeople do sit-ups as part of a raft of exercises which aim to improve their core stability , but research from Thomas Nesser from Indiana State University suggests that improving your core stability doesn 't necessarily result in better athletic performance .

  5. 2005年,印第安纳曼西博尔州立大学开始了名叫“三年制学历”的项目。学生课业负担很重,包括两个或者三个夏天都要上课。

    In two thousand five , Ball State University in Muncie , Indiana , began a program called " Degree in Three . " Students take full loads of classes , including two or three summers .