
è yùn
  • doom;misfortune;ill;adversity;jinx;mischance;weird;misadventure
厄运 [è yùn]
  • [misfortune] 不幸的遭遇;苦难的时运

  • 与图国艰,以度厄运。--扬雄《元后诔》

  • 遭遏厄运

厄运[è yùn]
  1. 人类的宽容可以战胜一切厄运。

    The generosity of the human spirit can overcome all adversity .

  2. 好朋友不会在人遭到厄运时弃之不顾。

    A good friend will not desert one in time of adversity .

  3. 我们一路上遭遇了几次厄运。

    We 've had a few bad breaks along the way .

  4. 他们并不知道即将降临到他们头上的厄运。

    They were unaware of the fate that was to befall them .

  5. 她预感到厄运已经逼近。

    She had a sense of impending doom .

  6. 她给家庭带来了厄运。

    She had brought ill luck into her family

  7. 自从爱德华告诉她打算逃跑的那一刻起,她便强烈感到厄运在一步步逼近。

    From the moment Edward had told her of the escape attempt , she had been overtaken by a sense of impending doom .

  8. 整个国家都笼罩在厄运降临的气氛之中。

    A sense of doom hung over the entire country .

  9. 厄运使她忧伤。

    She is distressed by misfortune .

  10. 他的厄运达到了顶点,终于破产。

    His misfortunes culminated in his bankruptcy .

  11. 要是因自己的厄运而懊恼那只能使你觉得更痛苦&你得学会听天由命。

    You 'll only make yourself feel worse if you kick at your bad luck & you just have to learn to accept it .

  12. 他开始在那家公司工作,一定交上了好运,他也应该这样,因为此前他遇上了一连串厄运。

    He certainly got a good break when he began to work in that firm ; yet he deserved it because previously he had got a series of bad breaks .

  13. "但那意味着七年的厄运。"

    " But that means seven years of bad luck . "

  14. 不同的日子厄运指数也会不同。

    Different days have different degrees of bad luck .

  15. 有时需要厄运

    Sometimes it takes bad luck

  16. 要是那帮海盗在岸上过夜,他们中就会有人遭厄运!

    And if the pirates sleep on shore tonight , one of them might have an unpleasant surprise !

  17. 早在几年之前,SI便开始为《体育画报》的厄运寻找统计证据或者反证。

    A few years back , Si went looking forstatistical proof or disproof of the jinx .

  18. 特别是,Leap的倒闭启示了创业公司遭受厄运的一种新兴理由,一个也出现在匿名社交网络Secret身上的问题:与硅谷的高科技兄弟氛围纠缠太深。

    In particular , Leap 's death suggests one emerging cause of startup doom , a problem that also did in the anonymous social-network Secret : too-close an association with Silicon Valley 's tech-bro sensibilities .

  19. 面对我国特殊的ST制度、暂停上市以及终止上市制度,亏损上市公司为了维持宝贵的上市资格,避免被摘牌或被收购壳资源的厄运,存在盈余管理的动机。

    In face of special ST system , suspension and termination of listing system in our country , in order to maintain the valuable listing qualifications and avoid being delisted , or acquisition , a loss of listed companies has the motive for earnings management .

  20. 只要欧洲央行(ECB)对整个欧元区的需求疲软持容忍态度,同时核心成员国尤其是德国继续积累巨额贸易顺差,较脆弱的成员国就几乎不可能逃脱破产的厄运。

    So long as the European Central Bank tolerates weak demand in the eurozone as a whole and core countries , above all Germany , continue to run vast trade surpluses , it will be nigh on impossible for weaker members to escape from their insolvency traps .

  21. 驾驶雪铁龙DS3赛车的挪威人在赛季初一直是冠军的潜在争夺者,但是厄运以及约旦站的失误使他接二连三地错失了登上领奖台的机会。

    The Norwegian began the season as a title contender in his Citroen DS3 WRC but bad luck and a mistake in Jordan have conspired to keep him off the podium to date .

  22. 因此,第十三就和混乱联系了起来。波斯人在波斯历上的第十三天会外出、以避免厄运,这个传统被称为“SizdahBedar”,意思是“十三户外”。

    Therefore , the thirteenth is identified with chaos and the reason Persians leave their houses to avoid bad luck on the thirteenth day of the Persian Calendar , a tradition called Sizdah Bedar .

  23. 当然,还有一个荷兰的自行车手,不仅逃过了MH17上的死神,还逃脱了在三月份失踪的马航MH370的厄运。

    Of course , there was also the Dutch cyclist who was supposed to have boarded not only that very same Malaysia Airlines flight ( MH17 ) but also the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in March !

  24. 负债累累的农民在厄运中苦苦挣扎。

    Debt-ridden farmers struggling with adversity ; a life of hardship .

  25. 我便被诅咒有七年的厄运。

    I 've been cursed with seven years of bad luck .

  26. 人云亦云者,常遭厄运。

    The man who follows the crowd often follows his doom .

  27. 他不知为什么厄运总是与他形影不离。

    He wondered why bad luck always followed at his heels .

  28. 从文学批评到文化批评:机遇还是厄运

    From Literary criticism to Cultural Criticism : Opportunity or Misfortune

  29. 日本人相信可以把自身的厄运转移到人偶上。

    Japanese people believed they could transfer their bad luck to dolls .

  30. 新闻报纸比如旧金山纪事报当时就在把自己的厄运编档入案。

    Newspapers like the San Francisco Chronicle were chronicling their own doom .