
  • 网络compressed file;zip;zip file;GZIP;rAR;WinRAR
  1. 从Web连接器压缩文件中解压缩。

    Extract files from Web Connector Client zip file .

  2. 来自PVITSTATIC的结果的工件被保存为工程交换压缩文件。

    The resulting artifacts from PVIT_STATIC are saved as a project interchange zip .

  3. WAR文件是遵循一些约定的压缩文件。

    A WAR file is a compressed file that follows a couple of conventions .

  4. 将以下两个压缩文件导入到IntegrationDeveloper中

    You imported the following two zip files into Integration Developer

  5. 将该压缩文件作为ProjectInterchange导入到您的工作区。

    Import this zip as a Project Interchange in to your workspace .

  6. TheSpringFrameworkv1.2.8&具有所有依赖性的压缩文件。

    The Spring Framework v1.2.8 & You 'll be using the compressed file with all dependencies .

  7. Setup会把你的系统文件保存在一隐藏的压缩文件中。

    Setup will save your system files in a hide , compressed file .

  8. 此压缩文件包含能够使某些无关紧要的Portal组件不被加载的脚本。

    This zip file contains scripts that can disable some of the nonessential portal components .

  9. 安装映像是一组典型的压缩文件,代表了CD安装映像。

    The installation image is typically a set of compressed files that represent CD installation images .

  10. 此外,删除了tar压缩文件。

    In addition , the tar zipped file has been removed .

  11. 一个创建Widget压缩文件包的工具。

    A utility to create the widget 's compressed file archive .

  12. VSIX文件是一种使用了开放打包协议(OpenPackagingConvention)的压缩文件。

    A VSIX file is a zip file that uses the Open Packaging Convention .

  13. JAR格式允许您压缩文件以提高存储效率。

    The JAR format allows you to compress your files for efficient storage .

  14. 专门用来破解加了密码的ZIP压缩文件的软件。

    Designed to crack passwords added ZIP compressed file of the software .

  15. 自然状态的图形文件太大,不能通过web快速下载,因此必须通过压缩文件以减小其大小。

    A graphics file in its natural state is too large to download quickly over the web , so you must reduce the size of the file by compressing it .

  16. 解压压缩文件,进入刚创建的目录,输入./configure,然后输入make和sudomakeinstall。

    Unpack the tarball , change to the newly created directory , and type . / configure followed by make and sudo make install .

  17. MP3是当前最流行的音频压缩文件格式。

    MP3 is the most popular digital audio format .

  18. 在这里,%setup-q是一个%prep宏,用于自动解压Source中的特定tarball压缩文件。

    Here , % setup-q is a % prep macro to automatically unpack the tarball named in Source .

  19. 要想从头构建,首先从PipeViewer项目页面(见参考资料)下载最新的源代码压缩文件。

    To build from scratch , download the latest source tarball from the Pipe Viewer project page ( see Resources ) .

  20. CAB文件是一些类似ZIP的压缩文件,但是它们是为Windows操作系统和软件组件特别设计的。

    CAB files are compressed files similar to ZIP , but specifically designed for Windows OS and Software components .

  21. 在迁移项目过程中,zip压缩文件的大小通常很大。

    While moving a project , the zip file usually becomes very large in size .

  22. Zip压缩文件数据修复技术研究

    Study on Recovery of Zip Archive Data

  23. 我们希望,本文这种循序渐进的方法以及参考资料中以压缩文件形式提供的内容丰富的samples目录,将使您迅速上手。

    We hope that the step-by-step approach of this article and the extensive samples directory included as the zip file in Resources will get you up and running quickly .

  24. Huffman编码是压缩文件的一种常用算法。

    Huffman coding is one of popular algorithms for file compression .

  25. 这个新zip压缩文件会更小且可以更快地迁移。

    This new zip file would be smaller in size and faster to move as well .

  26. 导出项目的IntegrationDeveloper目录现在应该包含以下两个压缩文件(文件生成日期和时间将有所不同)

    The Integration Developer directory you exported the project to should now contain the following two zip files ( the file generation dates and times will differ )

  27. 否则,它们可能需要提取出压缩文件,或者文件夹可能会从CD或者下载位置直接进行访问。

    Otherwise , they may require extraction of a compressed file , or the folders may be accessible directly from the CD or download location .

  28. Cfruby可以作为一个Rubygem或tar压缩文件下载。

    Cfruby can be downloaded as a Ruby gem or as a tar zipped file .

  29. 如果此目录包含超过两个压缩文件,或者超过一个包含子字符串Monitor的Zip文件,则导出将以失败告终。

    If this directory contains more than two zip files , or more than one zip file containing the substring_Monitor_ , the export will fail .

  30. prep准备源代码,比如解压tarball压缩文件。

    Prep readies the source code , such as unpacking the tarball .