
yuán jī yīn
  • protogene
原基因[yuán jī yīn]
  1. Met-Lys-双C肽人胰岛素原基因的构建表达及分离纯化

    Construction of Met Lys Double C Peptide Human Proinsulin Gene and Its Expression and Characterization

  2. 大鼠血管组织血管紧张素原基因表达的实时PCR定量分析

    Quantification of mRNA expression for angiotensinogen in rat arterial tissues by real-time PCR

  3. 一种苦荞主要过敏原基因cDNA的克隆及序列分析

    Cloning and Sequencing of Major Allergenic Gene cDNA from Tartary Buckwheat

  4. U基因。人胰岛素原基因突变体的构建

    Construction of a mutant human proinsulin gene

  5. 血管紧张素原基因5′端核心启动子区(-6)A~G变异与肝硬化相关性

    The association between mutations of 5 ' upstream core promoter A ( - 6 ) G of angiotensinogen gene and liver cirrhosis

  6. SK构建了含人胰岛素原基因片段的过渡质粒PBS。

    SK by ligation of cohevise-end DNA , which constructs a transition plasmid PBS .

  7. 目的:评估血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)基因、血管紧张素原基因(AGT)及载脂蛋白E(ApoE)基因多态性与冠心痛的关系。

    Objective : To evaluate the involvement of Angiotensin-converting enzyme ( ACE ), Angiotensinogen ( AGT ) and Apolipoprotein E ( ApoE ) gene polymorphisms in predisposition to coronary disease ( CHD ) .

  8. 用PCR-RFLP分析法检测β-纤维蛋白原基因-455G/A多态性在脑梗死组和正常对照组的基因频率。

    Genotype frequencies of beta fibrinogen gene 455G / A polymorphism in CI group and control group were estimated with polymerase chain reaction restrictive fragment length polymorphism ( PCR RFLP ) .

  9. 目的:观察口服接种过敏原基因(Derp2)重组(r)BCG口咽胃肠道环境对Derp2-rBCG行为的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the influence of oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract environment on the biological behavior of recombinant Bacillus Calmette-Guerin ( rBCG ) that expresses with allergen Der p2 after oral inoculation .

  10. 左旋多巴诱发异动症大鼠纹状体前强啡肽原基因与DARPP-32蛋白磷酸化的关系

    Relationship between prodynorphin ( PDyn ) gene expression and phosphoprotein ( DARPP-32 ) phosphorylation in rats with levodopa-induced dyskinesias

  11. 两组血管紧张素原基因A-6G,T174M和G-217A位点多态性对血压的影响。

    Effects of the polymorphism of AGT gene at A-6G , T-174M and G-217A sites on blood pressure .

  12. 首先,用合成的小人胰岛素原基因(mins)构建了植物种子特异性表达载体op::og-mins-2300-twin。

    First of all , a seed-specific plant expression vector op : : og-mins-2300-twin is constructed , using the synthetic mini-human proinsulin ( mins ) gene .

  13. 目的探讨纤维蛋白原基因β链启动子区域-455G/A、-148C/T多态性与中国汉族人群肺血栓栓塞症(PTE)发生的相关性。

    Objective To determine the prevalence of beta-fibrinogen gene - 455G / A , - 148C / T polymorphisms in Chinese Han population and to investigate whether they were associated with pulmonary thromboembolism ( PTE ) .

  14. 利用RTPCR技术,从人脐带静脉上皮细胞中克隆重组人尿激酶原基因,用表达质粒pET29a构建了重组质粒pET29a/prouk,并转化至大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中,作为工程菌。

    The human recombinant prourokinase gene was cloned from the epithelial cells of human umbilical vein by RT PCR . The pET29a / prouk plasmid was constructed and expressed in E. coli BL21 ( DE3 ) strain by IPTG induction .

  15. 血管紧张素原基因A-6G和T174M位点多态性与原发性高血压发病风险的相关分析。

    Correlation analysis of the polymorphism of AGT gene at A-6G and T-174M sites with the risk for the attack of essential hypertension ;

  16. 目的研究在中国南方汉人群中,血管紧张素原基因(angiotensinogen,AGT)启动子区域217位和20位上的二种单核苷酸多态与高血压病(EH)并发冠心病的关系。

    Objective To evaluate the relationship between two single nucleotide polymorphisms ( SNPs ) at position - 217 and - 20 in the promoter region of angiotensinogen ( AGT ) gene and essential hypertension ( EH ) complicated by coronary heart disease ( CHD ) in south han Chinese population .

  17. 牛凝乳酶原基因在大肠杆菌中表达调控的研究

    Regulation of the Expression of Calf Prochymosin Gene in Escherichia coli

  18. 重组人尿激酶原基因的克隆及工程菌的构建与鉴定

    Human Prourokinase cDNA Gene Cloning and Engineered Strain Construction and Characterization

  19. 人前脑啡肽原基因逆转录病毒载体的构建及其表达

    Construction of Retro-vector Containing Human Proenkephalin Gene and Its ' Expression

  20. 汉族人群血管紧张素原基因的新单核苷酸多态性位点

    A novel SNP of human angiotensinogen gene from Chinese Han population

  21. 人胰岛素原基因在转基因小鼠乳汁中的表达

    Expression of human proinsulin gene in milk of transgenic mice

  22. 体内直接人胰岛素原基因转移对糖尿病小鼠治疗作用的研究

    Therapeutic effect of human proinsulin gene transfer in vivo on diabetic mice

  23. 尿激酶原基因防止静脉桥血栓形成的实验研究

    The role of pro UK gene in protecting vein graft from thrombosis

  24. 逆转录病毒载体介导胰岛素原基因突变体与葡萄糖激酶基因共转染的应用价值

    Glucokinase gene and mutant proinsulin gene transfected by retroviral vector

  25. 大鼠鞘内注射含人前脑啡肽原基因单纯疱疹病毒Ⅰ型扩增子载体的镇痛效应

    The analgesic effect of intrathecal HSV-1 amplicon vector-mediated HPPE gene in rats

  26. 人前脑啡肽原基因在体细胞系细胞的表达

    Expression of human preproenkephalin gene in somatic cell line cells

  27. 人胰岛素原基因在大肠杆菌中高效外分泌表达

    Secretive Expression of Human Proinsulin Gene at high level in E. coli

  28. 我国奶羊业发展模式显微注射生产转人胰岛素原基因奶山羊

    Developing Pattern of Dairy Goat Industry Establishment of Transgenic Dairy Goat by Microinjection

  29. 转禽冠状病毒免疫原基因马铃薯及其对小鼠的免疫原性

    Transgenic Potato Containing Immunogenic Gene of Avian Coronavirus and Its Immunogenicity in Mice

  30. 微流控芯片对血管紧张素原基因多态性的研究

    The study of angiotensinogen gene polymorphism by microchip electrophoresis