
  • 网络Original oil saturation;Initial oil saturation
  1. 用测井资料确定地层含油、气的敏感性参数确定砂岩油藏原始含油饱和度的毛管-测井法

    Determination of Oil and Gas Bearing Sensitivity Parameters with Well Logging Data A Method for Estimating Initial Oil Saturation of a Sandstone Reservoir by Using Capillary-Logging Data

  2. 用毛管压力曲线确定原始含油饱和度

    Initial oil saturation determination by capillary pressure curve

  3. 确定油水同层原始含油饱和度的新方法

    A New Method to Determine Original Oil Saturation in Oil-water Layer

  4. 利用油基泥浆取心资料确定砂岩油藏原始含油饱和度若干问题探讨

    Determining the oil saturation of sandstone reservoir using oil-base core data

  5. 砂岩油层原始含油饱和度的综合研究

    Comprehensive Study of Primitive Oil-Bearing Saturability of Sandstone Oil Layers

  6. 对用渗透率贡献值法求原始含油饱和度的讨论

    Discussion of estimating original oil saturation with the permeability bution values method

  7. 水淹层原始含油饱和度的估算方法探讨

    Method for estimating original oil saturation of watered out layers

  8. 水基泥浆取心分析资料估算储层原始含油饱和度

    Estimate on original oil saturation of reservoir based on water-base mud coring analysis data

  9. 油藏原始含油饱和度充注模式研究

    Packing Patterns of Original Oil Saturation of Reservoirs

  10. 复杂油藏原始含油饱和度计算方法

    The Method of Reservoir Engineering to Calculate the Original Oil Saturation of Complex Reservoir

  11. 确定砂岩油藏原始含油饱和度的毛管-测井法

    A Method for Estimating Initial Oil Saturation of a Sandstone Reservoir by Using Capillary-Logging Data

  12. 陕北石油秩序储层原始含油饱和度计算方法研究

    Computing method of reservoir originality oil saturation

  13. 毛管压力曲线是用来评价储层孔隙结构和储层原始含油饱和度的最有效的方法。

    The study of flow units using fractal and fractal dimension methods of capillary pressure curve ;

  14. 计算储集层原始含油饱和度等,为非取心井段的孔隙结构研究及储集层研究与评价开辟了新途径。

    These provide novel ways for study of pore structure at non-coring intervals and evaluation of reservoirs .

  15. 油层原始含油饱和度是油层识别和储量计算中的重要参数。

    Primitive oil-bearing saturability of oil layers is a very important parameter of reservoirappreciation and reserve volume calculation .

  16. 原始含油饱和度是影响地质储量可靠性的重要因素之一。

    The initial oil saturation is one of the important factors that can affect the reliability of original oil in place .

  17. 储层含油气性罐装样轻烃评价方法砂岩油层原始含油饱和度的综合研究

    Evaluation Methods of Oil-bearing Reservoirs by Light Hydrocarbons Samples from Cuttings in Cans Comprehensive Study of Primitive Oil-Bearing Saturability of Sandstone Oil Layers

  18. 地层应力场分布规律与油田水淹关系水淹层原始含油饱和度的估算方法探讨

    Relationship between the Distribution of Formation Stress Field and Oilfield Watered out . Method for estimating original oil saturation of watered out layers

  19. 原始含油饱和度20%~45%,氯仿“A”含量(60~120)×10-6,原始含油级别为油浸&油斑;

    It was oil immersed to oil spot while oil-bearing saturation is 20 % - 45 % and extracts is ( 60-120 )× 10 ~ ( - 6 ) .

  20. 依据油气藏流体分布原理,应用毛管压力方法计算原始含油饱和度,可准确地识别出这种低电阻油气层,并可预测其产能。

    This kind of low resistivity oil / gas zones can be accurately identified and their potential can be predicted by using fluid distribution theory and capillary pressure method for original oil saturation .

  21. 在注入水矿化度资料不全的情况下,可利用原始含油饱和度确定出注入水矿化度。最终,针对解释层中的每个采样点确定出混合地层水矿化度和流体饱和度。

    Under the conditions of no complete injected water salinity data , the injected water salinity was confirmed by the original oil saturation so as to finally determine the mixed formation water salinity and fluid saturation at each sampling point of the interpretative layer .

  22. 储层原始含油饱和度是评价储层的重要指标,它的计算方法有:岩心直接测定方法、间接确定法和毛管压力曲线计算方法。

    Reservoir originality oil saturation is an important index for evaluating reservoir . There are three methods for determining reservoir originality oil saturation : ( 1 ) core directness mensuration , ( 2 ) indirectness determination and ( 3 ) computed by capillary pressure curve .

  23. 拟合过程中,通过调整认真核对有效厚度、孔隙度和原始含油饱和度等地质参数,并且考虑了油田生产过程中压裂、酸化、堵水等措施对开发效果的影响,使得指标符合率均在90%以上。

    In order to get a90 % index coincidence rate , geological parameters like net thickness , porosity and initial oil saturation were checked and adjusted carefully and seriously , also the influence from fracturing , acid treating and water shut off was taken into account .

  24. 实际的室内实验资料研究表明,该参数与储层的原始含油饱和度、残余油饱和度以及水驱油效率、无水采收率等密切相关,回归所得方程的相关系数很高。

    The value of the parameter is generally less than 0.7 . The practical laboratory researches show that this parameter has a close relationship with the original oil saturation , residual oil saturation , the water-drive-oil efficiency and water-free recovery ; the correlated coefficient in regression equation is very high .

  25. 砂岩油气藏原始含油气饱和度影响因素及解释方法

    The factors influencing initial hydrocarbon saturation of sandstone reservoir and the interpretation charts