
  • 网络dual system vocational education
  1. 摘要德国双元制职业教育是指由企业和非全日制职业学校共同承担职业教育职责的双元组织形式。

    The dual system vocational education in Germany refers to dual organization form undertaking the vocational education responsibility by the enterprise and the non-full-time vocational school .

  2. 本文通过对德国双元制职业教育内涵、特点的研究,结合我国高职教育发展的实际,提出了发展我国高职教育的几方面建议。

    Based on the essence and characteristics of German Dual System Vocational Education , the article expounds the tendency of development of China 's vocational education in combination with the existing situation in China higher vocational education .

  3. 德国本科层次的双元制职业教育窥探

    Probe into Dual-System Vocational Education at Undergraduate Level in Germany

  4. 德国双元制职业教育中的企业参与培训模式对我国职业教育的启示

    Enlightenment of China Vocational Education from Enterprises Participating in Germany Dual-system Vocational Education

  5. 德国双元制职业教育特色及其启示

    Characteristics and Inspiration of Dual Vocational Training in Germany

  6. 德国双元制职业教育法律法规研究

    Research on the Legal Basis of the Dual System of Vocational Education in Germany

  7. 如何建立企业、学校和国家双元制职业教育模式

    On How to Build Enterprise , School and Country under Dual Vocational Education Mode

  8. 企业自主与国家调控&德国双元制职业教育的社会文化及制度基础解析

    Enterprise Autonomy and State Regulation in Germany

  9. 双元制职业教育模式是职业资格证书制度的教育模式。

    Dual system of vocational education is a training modell of the occupational qualification certificate system .

  10. 国际化素质培养&德国双元制职业教育发展的新要求

    Internationalized Quality Training & New Requirements of the Development of Vocational Education of Dual System in German

  11. 从德国双元制职业教育中探索我国高职教育发展之路

    Exploring the Road of China 's Higher Vocational Development from the German " dual system " Vocational Education

  12. 德国的企业主动参与双元制职业教育,愿意为发展双元制职业教育投资;

    Enterprises in Germany would like to invest the dual system of vocational education by actively participating in it .

  13. 我国职业教育的现状及其改进措施&德国双元制职业教育的启示

    Status Quo of Vocational Education and Improving Measures & Enlightenment of Vocational Education of Germany " Dual " System

  14. 双元制职业教育的考试组织权威,考试内容灵活,考试结果实用。

    The characteristics of examination of dual-system vocational education in Germany are : authoritative organization , flexible content and practicable outcome .

  15. 德国双元制职业教育体制在世界上堪称一流,为德国的经济腾飞起到了巨大的作用。

    Germany dual-system vocational education is rated as the world first-class , and plays a enormous role for the economic liftoff of Germany .

  16. 德国双元制职业教育及其启示&企业参与对职业教育发展的重大意义

    The German Dual System Mode and Its Enlightenment to the Vocational Education in China & The Significance of Enterprise Involvement in Vocational Education Development

  17. 德国双元制职业教育受训者的权利和义务职工拥有企业的权利。

    Rights and Obligations of the Dual System of Vocational Education Trainees in Germany ; ownership of a business by the people who work for it .

  18. 这款燃料电池跑车是德国工艺的证明,就象在德国的双元制职业教育中学生参加作为学习生参加假期校工中的情况一样,他们很少听到“你被解雇了”。

    The F-Cell is as much a testament to German engineering as it is to the German in which students attending vocational school work as apprentices .

  19. 德国的职业教育,尤其是被称为其核心部分的双元制职业教育制度在世界享有盛誉,其成功的奥秘之一就是国家建立了一套完善周密的职业教育法规体系。

    German vocational education , especially its " double system " is renowned in the world , establishing statutes system of vocational education is one mystery of its success .

  20. 双元制职业教育相对于学校制职业教育,更注重实践技能的培养,以培养生产第一线实际操作人员的职业教育为目标,真正成为受企业和培训生欢迎的教育。

    Compared with school-based vocational education , dual-system vocational education pays more attention to the cultivation of practice skill , and cultivates the forefront skilled workers as the goal .

  21. 德国双元制职业教育以其对社会经济发展做出的巨大贡献而得到人们的认可,其独特的双元制特色是世界高等职业教育发展史上的一朵奇葩。

    Germany Dual-system is one of the representative vocational modes in the world , and its tremendous contribution to the development of social economy is approved by the citizens .

  22. 其双元制职业教育在世界上堪称模范,被称为第二次世界大战后创造经济奇迹的秘密武器。

    Its dual-system of vocational education has been the exemplary in the world , which is called the " secret weapon device " . This system has created an economic miracle after the Second World War .

  23. 在双元制职业教育体制下,由于学生在特定的工作环境中学习,使得学生和企业有了更多的交流机会,大大降低了培训后失业的风险。

    So it is welcomed by enterprises and students . By dual-system vocational education , students study in the specific working environment , having more chances to communicate with enterprise and skilled - workers , reducing risk of unemployment after training .

  24. 而基于文化与教育之间的主动和被动适应关系,20世纪的德国教育则形成并发展了三阶段公立学校制度、双元制职业教育、各州文化主权以及大学的理想神话。

    To adapt to the complicated relationship between culture and education , German education had gradually taken the form of 3-level public school system , duality system of vocational education , culture sovereignty of every state , and the ideal myth of universities .

  25. 目前,德国基础教育阶段的改革主要是围绕普及义务教育、在基础教育阶段推行双元制的职业教育体制、在德育上积极抵制纳粹的影响、调整学制和教育权力的转换方面进行的。

    At present the reform of German basic education is carried out mostly in the generalization of compulsory education , the double-track system in basic educational period , anti-influence of Nazi in moral training , transition of education power and adjustment of school system , etc.

  26. 从德国双元制谈我国职业教育

    Discussing Vocational Education in Our Country According to the " Dual system " in Germany