
shuānɡ xué wèi
  • double degree;two bachelor's degrees
  1. 在斯坦福大学,每六名MBA学生中就有一名在同时兼修该校其他院系的双学位,该校商学院院长加思塞隆纳(GarthSaloner)希望这一比例最终将提高至四分之一。

    At Stanford one in six MBA students is studying a double degree programme with another school in the university and dean Garth Saloner hopes eventually that number will be one in four .

  2. 推行主辅修制和双学位制的实践

    Practice of minor academic specialization and double degree system

  3. 尽管有很多城市传奇,但是选择双学位(doublemajor)没什么好处&相反,还有很多坏处。

    Despite urban legend , there 's no advantage in being a double major & and there are many disadvantages .

  4. 在罗斯商学院,有37%的MBA学生参与了双学位项目。

    At Ross 37 per cent of MBA students are on joint degrees .

  5. 清华大学-北卡罗来纳大学双学位EMBA项目学员的平均年龄为41岁。

    The average student age at the unc-tsinghua program is 41 .

  6. 比如,越来越多的MBA学生所获得的是与其它领域或其它商学院合办的学位或双学位。

    For example , MBAs are increasingly offered as joint or double degrees with other subject areas or business schools .

  7. 麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院也和一些合作院校共同推出了双学位项目,比如巴黎高等商业学院-欧洲管理学院(ESCPEurope)。

    MIT Sloan also runs a double-degree programme with a number of partner schools , such as ESCP Europe .

  8. 高校会计学专业+英语专业双学位模式CGA方向人才培养研究

    College Accounting Professional + English Major Dual-degree Model of the Direction of CGA Personnel Training Research

  9. 2012年10月,清华大学-北卡罗来纳大学合办的双学位EMBA项目迎来了首批24位中国高管学员,其中有4位是女性。

    The unc-tsinghua program welcomed its first class of 24 Chinese executives , including four women , in October 2012 .

  10. 艾森伯格拥有范德堡大学(VanderbiltUniversity)的工程学与数学双学位,最初是一位投资银行家,后来开始为著名发明家、专利持有人莫里斯•堪巴工作。

    Eisenberg , a double major in engineering and mathematics from Vanderbilt University , originally worked as an investment banker before taking a job with the noted inventor and patent-holder , Maurice Kanbar .

  11. 清华大学-北卡罗来纳大学双学位EMBA项目副主管贾亚尚卡尔•斯瓦米纳坦说,这个项目相当独特,因为它对商业和工程并重。

    The UNC-Tsinghua EMBA program is rather unique in that it offers a dual emphasis on business and engineering , says to Jayashankar M. Swaminathan , associate dean of the program .

  12. 例如,哈桑•雷贾博耶夫(KhasanRedjaboev)在乌兹别克斯坦长大,他在那里尝试过创业,当过政府的教育顾问,后来他注册为巴黎政治学院(SciencesPo)和李光耀公共政策学院的双学位学生。

    Khasan Redjaboev , for example , grew up in Uzbekistan , where he dabbled in entrepreneurship and was an education consultant to the government , before enrolling as a double-degree student at Sciences Po in Paris and the Lee Kuan Yew School .

  13. 欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)的MBA课程连续第二年排名榜首,但这所法国商学院没有保住EMBA的榜首位置,它与中国清华大学(TsinghuaUniversity)合办的双学位课程,被LBS与其他商学院合办的一个课程击败。

    Insead 's MBA is top for a second year but the French school lost its first place on the EMBA table after its dual degree with China 's Tsinghua University was beaten by a joint programme run by schools including LBS.

  14. 来自法国的路易·克莱帕尔(LouisKlépal)是东京庆应义塾大学(KeioUniversity)和法国南特中央理工大学(écoleCentraledeNantes)一个双学位项目的工程系毕业生,他在为一家日本工程公司工作一年后跳槽。

    Louis Kl é pal , a French engineering graduate of a double-degree program at Keio University in Tokyo , and the é cole Centrale de Nantes in France , made the jump one year after working for a Japanese engineering company .

  15. 如今,Steinberg通过电子数据表追踪商店促销活动来运营这个非营利组织,并权衡了学习双学位(心理学和儿童成长)与运营组织,度假和获得朋友的帮助之间的关系。

    Today , Steinberg balances studying for a double major ( psychology and child development ) with running a nonprofit by using spreadsheets to track store promotions , taking time off for vacations , and getting help from friends .

  16. 我是硕士学位和双学位大学生的学校纪录。

    I 'm master 's degree and double-undergraduate course school record .

  17. 双学位?我连一门都没读完。

    Double ? I haven 't even declared one major yet .

  18. 他拿了英文和哲学双学位。

    He had a joint Honors degree in English and philosophy .

  19. 我是计算机科学和语言学双学位的大三学生。

    I 'm a junior Computer Science and Linguistics double major .

  20. 她正在修英语和经济双学位。

    She is working for her double major in English and economics .

  21. 且具有市场营销与法学双学位,是不可多得的复合型人才。

    And with marketing and law , the double is rare talents .

  22. 关于四年制法语、英语双学位教学的探索&双语教学的必要性与可行性

    Probe Into Two-degree Teaching of French and English in Four Academic Years

  23. 女王玛莉双学位将完成在中国进行。

    Queen Mary 's joint degrees will be taught entirely in China .

  24. 涉农专业学生辅修英语双学位课程体系构建

    Discussion on the Establishment of Dual-Degree Courses for the Agriculture Majors Minoring in English

  25. 他们的共同点甚至可以追溯到大学时期,他们都修双学位。

    The similarities even go back to college where both men were double majors .

  26. 一个培养复合型人才的个案分析&华中科技大学英语-通信双学位培养模式研究

    A case study on inter-disciplinary personnel dual-degree program & Research of 2001-entry E-T majors at HUST

  27. 此项双学位课程由文学院与教育学院合办。

    This double-degree is jointly offered by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Education .

  28. 关于南京体育学院增设六年制双学位运动医学专业的可行性分析

    The Feasibility Analysis of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education and Sports Setting up Double-degree of Sports-medicine

  29. 我听说你的女朋友正在修英语和世界双学位。

    I hear your girlfriend is working for her double major in English and world history .

  30. 黄正穆毕业于美国斯坦福大学,拥有艺术和计算机科学双学位,现在他同时还是谷歌的网站管理员。

    A former art-computer science double-major at Stanford University , Hwang is also now Google 's Webmaster .