
  • 网络Tripterospermum affine;Tripterospermum chinense;double butterfly;Tripterospermum chinensis
  1. 于是,她给老头子系上颈巾,漂漂亮亮地打了一个双蝴蝶结,因为她到底系得比他好。

    So she tied on his neckerchief-for that was something she understood much better than he-tied it with a double bow , and made him look quite dashing .

  2. 其中4个为有较好抗氧化活性的(?)酮类化合物,其余2个为首次从双蝴蝶属植物中分离得到,且有1个为新化合物。

    Four of them were xanthones which had antioxidant activity , the other two of which one belonged to new compounds were isolated from the genus Tripterospermum for the first time . 2 .