
  • 网络double-tuned filter
  1. 实验证明,这种双调谐滤波器具有更好的滤波效果。

    The analysis to the experiment result indicates that tuning the double-tuned filter has been realized initially .

  2. 并对某HVDC工程所采用的直流滤波器进行了计算,计算结果表明所提出的定义可以为双调谐滤波器的参数设计提供工程指导。

    An example of the double tuned filter in a HVDC project is calculated . Calculation results show that the definition put forward in this paper is useful in the parameter design of double tuned filters .

  3. 在分析高压直流输电(HVDC)系统双调谐滤波器阻抗-频率特性的基础上,给出其品质因数的定义,分析了阻尼电阻等参数对滤波性能的影响。

    Based on the analysis of impedance frequency characteristics of double tuned filters in HVDC systems , its quality factor is defined and the infection of parameters such as damping resistance change to filtering performance is analyzed in this paper .

  4. 基于裂芯式可控电抗器双调谐滤波器研究

    Study on the Double Tuned Filter Based on Splitted-core Type Controllable Reactor

  5. 基于感应滤波的双调谐滤波器综合设计

    Synthesis Design of Filter Device Based on inductive filter

  6. 高压直流输电系统双调谐滤波器特性研究

    Characteristic analysis of double tuned filter in HVDC systems

  7. 双调谐滤波器和三阶滤波器的参数计算

    Algorithm for the Parameters of Double Tuned Filter and the Third Order Filter

  8. 高压直流输电系统中双调谐滤波器参数研究及其仿真

    Study on parameters of double tuned filter in HVDC transmission system and its simulation

  9. 深入分析了双调谐滤波器中串联可调电抗器参数对滤波器谐振频率和其他元件参数的相对灵敏度,证明了利用单个可控电抗器实现具有自调谐功能的双调谐滤波器的可行性。

    The relative sensitivity of the parameter of series controllable reactor to the resonance frequency and component parameters is analyzed .

  10. 对双调谐滤波器的特性进行分析和参数设计:由基波无功补偿容量公式推算出串联回路电容;

    Its characters are discussed and its parameter design is presented : the series loop capacity can be deduced by solving the fundamental wave reactive compensation formula ;

  11. 在无源滤波器方面,本文采用了双调谐滤波器,其优点是:相对于使用两个单调谐滤波器造价要低。

    In passive filter aspect , this article has used the double harmonious filter , its merit is that it is opposite in uses two list harmonious filter construction cost to be low .

  12. 低噪声放大器和双调谐跟踪滤波器是该结构前端的两个组成部分。

    Low noise amplifier and double-tuning filter is the front-end of the two part structure .

  13. 基于铁电液晶电控双折射的调谐滤波器的研究

    Study of the Tunable Filter Based on Electrically Controlled Birefringence of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal