
shòu huì zuì
  • acceptance of bribe;crime of accepting bribes
  1. 论受贿罪的客观要件

    On Objective Condition of Acceptance of Bribe Crime

  2. 受贿罪已成为我国刑法打击的重点犯罪之一。

    Acceptance of bribe has become one of the major crimes that Chinese Criminal Law cracks down .

  3. 就在上周,中国建设银行(CCB)前行长刚刚因受贿罪被判入狱15年。对中国银行业体系的长期状况,许多分析人士仍然持怀疑态度。

    Only last week , the former head of China Construction Bank was jailed for 15 years for accepting bribes , and many analysts remain sceptical about the long-term health of China 's banking system .

  4. 受贿罪不应依照贪污罪处罚

    Acceptance of Bribes Should Not Adopt the Penalty of Corruption Offence

  5. 受贿罪几个核心问题的研究

    Research on the Core Problems of the Crime of Taking Bribes

  6. 这位议员被证实犯有行贿受贿罪后辞职了。

    The congressman resigned after having been found guilty of bribery .

  7. 对易于混淆的受贿罪的共同犯罪与斡旋受贿罪进行了区别。

    Differentiate the co - bribery and the mediate - bribery .

  8. 第一章是关于受贿罪的一般理论。

    Chapter One is about the basic theory of bribery crime .

  9. 受贿罪主体研究

    The Research on the Subject of the Crime of Accepting Bribes

  10. 受贿罪主体若干问题的探讨&兼论《刑法》第93条

    Research on Some Issues of the Subject of Acceptance of Bribes

  11. 四是论述了受贿罪的共同犯罪问题。

    The forth question is the joint crime of bribery .

  12. 论行贿罪与受贿罪的非对向关系

    On Dissymmetrical Relationship between Crime of Bribery and Crime of Accepting Bribery

  13. 对现行《刑法》中受贿罪的法律思考

    The Legal Ponder on the Bribery Crime in the Present Criminal Law

  14. 受贿罪是一种发案率高、较为复杂的犯罪。

    Bribery is a high - rate and complicated crime .

  15. 前首相被发现犯有受贿罪。

    The former prime minister was found guilty of bribery .

  16. 采用对比分析法,主要论述受贿罪与非国家工作人员受贿罪的区别。

    Using comparative analysis , discusses the bribery crime and bribery difference .

  17. 首先讨论了利用影响力受贿罪的未完成形态。

    First talk about the unaccomplished offense of influence-using bribery .

  18. 受贿罪的对象是贿赂。

    The crime of accepting bribes ' target is bribery .

  19. 受贿罪法网的漏洞及其补救&兼论刑法的适用解释

    The Loophole of Crime of Accepting Bribe and its Closing

  20. 论受贿罪的交易性本质

    On Deal Essence of Bribery Q & A on Sex

  21. 非国家工作人员受贿罪为公司、企业人员受贿罪修改而来。

    Non-national personnel for taking bribes , bribery crime modification .

  22. 三是受贿罪的受贿对象问题。

    The third one is object of the bribery crime .

  23. 受贿罪是一种贿赂罪。

    Acceptance of bribes is a kind of bribery crime .

  24. 组织越狱罪研究论受贿罪中的为他人谋取利益

    On " working for the interests for others " in bribery crime

  25. 对我国单位受贿罪账外暗中的理性思考

    Thinking About Secret Kickbacks in the Crime of Organizational Bribery

  26. 受贿罪的共同犯罪形态研究

    Study on Patterns of Joint Offense of Accept Bribe

  27. 国家机关受贿罪问题研究

    Research on Crime of Bribery in Departments of State

  28. 受贿罪主体构成中的几个问题探讨

    Several Issues on Subject Constitution in Acceptance of Bribes

  29. 受贿罪共同犯罪是指二人以上共同故意受贿的行为。

    Co-bribery means two people accept bribes together consciously .

  30. 七是对受贿罪量刑情节问题的反思。

    The sixth is the crime of bribery sentencing reflections on the issue .