
  • 网络Change Request;RFC;ECR
  1. 它用一个看板系统来追踪变更请求(ChangeRequest,CRs)。

    It uses a kanban system to pipeline change requests ( CRs ) .

  2. 本文中的示例描述了如何将RationalTeamConcert缺陷与RationalChange中的系统变更请求进行同步。

    The example in this article describes how to synchronize Rational Team Concert defects with system change requests in Rational Change .

  3. 变更请求批准(ChangeRequestApproval)提供了针对开发过程中改变要求的接受记录。

    Change Request Approval provides a record of the acceptance of a change request into the development process .

  4. IBMRationalClearQuest提供了基于Web的接口使得远程用户可以访问并更新变更请求。

    IBM Rational ClearQuest provides a Web-based interface that enables remote users to access and update change requests .

  5. 和RationalTeamConcert一样,为了捕捉这些数据,您需要向变更请求生命周期添加两个属性。

    As with Rational Team Concert , you need to add two attributes to the change request lifecycle to capture this data .

  6. 该系统采用B/S架构,基于Web机制,提供了更好的平台适应性和自定义变更请求流程;

    B / S structure was adopted in the system completely and based on Web mechanism , and offers the better platform which adapts to definition change process ;

  7. SiteB中的开发者也可以使用RationalClearQuest检查分配给他们的变更请求状态。

    Developers at Site B can also use Rational ClearQuest to check on the status of the change requests assigned to them .

  8. 查询已修改的工作项和变更请求基于ID映射属性。

    The query to pull the modified work items and change requests is based on the ID mapping attribute .

  9. 1也称作变更请求管理(CRM),不要与客户关系管理混淆。

    Also known as change request management ( CRM ), not to be confused with customer relationship management .

  10. 被SiteA的项目经理分配新的变更请求的开发者将看到他有一个新的“高优先级”的工作条目。

    The developer to whom the project manager at Site A assigned the new change request sees that he has a new " High Priority " work item .

  11. RETAINRATLCBridge将两个追踪系统的各自变更请求之间的连接自动化。

    The RETAIN RATLC Bridge automates the connection between the two tracking systems'respective change requests .

  12. 这张图向她显示了SiteB中所有开发者当前的工作量,这是从每个人当前工作的变更请求数量来看的。

    The graph shows her the existing workloads of all the developers at Site B , from the standpoint of the number of change requests each is currently working on .

  13. 将ClearQuest变更请求中的关键属性映射为Jazz工作项。

    Map the key attributes in the ClearQuest change request with the Jazz work item .

  14. ClearQuest和Jazz工具中的变更请求记录可能需要重构。

    The Change Request records in ClearQuest and Jazz tools might need to be refactored .

  15. 使用同步器让两种工具之间的变更请求数据在RationalTeamConcert初始部署之前、之间和之后保持同步。

    Use the synchronizer to keep change request data in sync between the two tools before , during , and after an initial Rational Team Concert deployment .

  16. 变更请求记录类型会应用模型与映射其他的ClearQuest记录类型。

    Model and map additional ClearQuest record types referenced by the change request record type .

  17. 同样,变更请求记录的拥有权在多个团队不同的团队成员之间传递时,您可以选择Connector。

    Also , choose the Connector when ownership of the change request record is passed among team members across multiple platforms .

  18. 接着是一系列和Rational产品相关的移植需求、UML模型、测试和变更请求的小案例研究。

    This will be followed by a list of short case studies concerning migrating requirements , UML models , test artifacts and change request to the Rational product line .

  19. 为了避免这一点,敏捷项目实现轻量级的或可定制的ClearQuest变更请求工作流。

    To avoid this , agile projects typically implement a lightweight or customizable ClearQuest change request workflow .

  20. 对于那些不拥有到服务器的非常可靠且快捷的连接的远程用户来说,可以使用Web接口来添加、更新及查询变更请求记录。

    For remote users who don 't have an extremely reliable and fast connection to the servers , a Web interface is available to allow users to add , update , and query change request records .

  21. ClearQuest变更请求记录类型到Jazz工作项的映射必须得到建模和实施。

    A mapping of the ClearQuest change request record type to Jazz work items must be modeled and implemented .

  22. RationalTeamConcert与RationalChange最基本的集成是在RationalTeamConcert中的工作项与RationalChange中的变更请求之间建立一种简单的关系或链接。

    The most basic integration of Rational Team Concert and Rational Change is a simple relationship or link between a work item in Rational Team Concert and a change request in Rational Change .

  23. 一般来说,对于提交和管理变更请求的用户来说,ClearQuest用作一个缺陷和变更追踪系统。

    Commonly , ClearQuest is used as a defect and change-tracking system for users to submit and manage change requests .

  24. 在这种情况下,RationalTeamConcert中处于InProgress状态的变更请求同步到RationalChange中变为ReqChg状态。

    In this case , a change request that is in the In Progress state in Rational Team Concert is synchronized into Rational Change in the Req Chg state .

  25. 因为这个例子的目的不仅仅是将SystemChangeRequest类型变更请求与defect类型请求进行同步,而RationalChange数据库中的工件集合对于Migrate查询可能是有限的。

    Because the intent of this example is only to sync System Change Request type change requests with defect type requests , the set of artifacts in the Rational Change database can be limited with the Migrate query .

  26. 在某种意义上,BPI项目中的每一项需求都可以看作是一个变更请求。

    In a sense , every requirement on a BPI project is also a change request .

  27. ADM需求管理处理所有类型的需求,包括显著的业务推动者、关系,及新的功能和变更请求。

    ADM requirements management deals with all kinds of requirements , including most notably business drivers , concerns , and new functionality and change requests .

  28. 默认的ClearQuest所有者(可能是客户组)得到关于新变更请求提交的自动邮件通知。

    Default ClearQuest owners ( which may be groups or lists of users ) get automatic email notification regarding the new change request submission .

  29. 当开发者到达SiteB开始他们的工作日时,他们使用本地的Windows界面登陆IBMRationalClearQuest以检查他们的对新变更请求任务的“todo”列表。

    As developers arrive at Site B to begin their work day , they log into IBM Rational ClearQuest using its native Windows interface to scan their " to do " lists for new change requests assignments .

  30. 在EMS不可用时,还可以用LMT紧急情况界面(EI)观察状态变更请求的结果。

    The LMT Emergency Interface ( EI ) is also available to observe state change request results when the EMS is unavailable .