
  1. 人人都想跟林书豪扯上点关系。从“林疯狂”、“林不思议”,到“情林节”,新闻标题中变着花样地玩着文字游戏,来描述这位一夜成名的NBA新星。

    Everyone wants a piece of Jeremy Lin. From Linsanity to Lin-credible then Va-Lin-tine , news headlines have been trying to find wordplays to match the new sensation on the NBA court with his meteoric shoot to stardom .

  2. 伦敦西区Chiswick公园的写字楼区有一个活动广场,变着花样地提供运动设施。

    The Chiswick Park office complex in west London has an events plaza that offers a changing range of sports facilities .

  3. 男人成了“泥水”,女人变着“水泥”了!

    Men has now become " mud water " and women " concrete "!

  4. 坐牢补偿费,是一种腐败官员们变着戏法收受贿赂的新型受贿行为。

    Prison Compensation , a new kind of bribery , means the corrupt officials accept bribes trickily .

  5. 要有创造性,变着花样找乐子,你就会发现,其实享乐方法有很多,不一定要花大把的钱。

    Be creative and find ways to have fun - loads of it - without spending much money .

  6. 我们当然期望能够更多地表示与事件本身相关的信息,但估计我们顶多只能变着花样使用我们所学的知识。

    We certainly would expect to express more information about the event itself , but we would do so mostly with variations on what we have already learned .

  7. 这时既没有与马车上的友人相互絮叨佳肴美味之烦&往往这一陈旧题目可以变着样地喋喋不休,我乃能暂免冒失之举。

    Instead of a friend in a post-chaise or in a Tilbury , to exchange good things with , and vary the same stale topics over again , for once let me have a truce with impertinence .

  8. 随着城市大规模的开发,城市正逐渐趋于高密度化和巨构化,如何满足城市有限的土地资源下保持商业步行街可识别性乃至步行特色正变着愈加重要。

    With large-scale urban development , cities are becoming more and more high density and the giant structure . How to coordinate our city with limited land resources to maintain commercial pedestrian street walking characteristics are more important and changing .

  9. 再怎么变着法儿的把新兴市场纳入谈判也无济于事,除非新兴市场国家和富国均认识到,必须做出何种艰难的决定,并愿意为此面对本国选民。

    No amount of shuffling the pack to include the emerging markets will make any difference unless they , and the rich countries , are aware what tough decisions have to be made , and are willing to face their domestic constituencies .

  10. 我变着花样为他做饭,以提高他逐渐消退的食欲。我甚至劝他坐车出去兜风。然而一回到家,他的情绪就变得漠然低落。我预感到我又要失去父亲了。

    I tried all kinds of new meals to tempt his failing appetite . I even persuaded him to come for a drive in the car , but as soon as we got home , he 'd sink back into apathy and I 'd think , I 'm losing him again .

  11. 结论:星形细胞肿瘤组织中bcl2基因高度表达可能是细胞凋亡受抑的重要原因,bcl2基因表达上调可能对肿瘤的生长及进一步间变起着关键作用。

    Conclusions : The high expression of bcl 2 gene might be an important cause for the inhibition of cell apoptosis in human astrocytic tumor tissues . The expression of bcl 2 gene being regulated up might plays a key role in tumor growth and its further anaplasia .

  12. 说相爱到永远说谁都不会变倒映着稚嫩的少年。

    Say forever to say who will not change reflected the childish boy .

  13. 聚合物溶液的自由能变联系着聚合物分子网链结构变形的回复推动力,即热力学力。

    The polymer solution with the similar deformation degree has the bigger free energy change with higher networking chain number .

  14. 还记得燕被开除的前一个夜晚,我们躺在一起还拉勾来着,说什么不会变怎么着的,但是第二天早上一起到了单位以后就没再见过面。

    Remember former girlfriend was expelled from the evening , we have lying vowed never change our hearts , and the second day after the end of the morning session .

  15. 然而当她鼓起勇气决定继续妊娠将留住孩子的时候,她陷入了一个不断变大着的无形世界&在那个世界里,未婚妈妈们在传统统治下的中国竭力生存。

    But as she mustered courage and decided to carry on with her pregnancy , the woman fell into an invisible growing world of unwed mothers struggling to survive in tradition-dominated China .

  16. 结果表明,整个系统在180s后基本稳定,稳定的系统对于变载荷有着迅速的响应。

    The results show that the whole system is steady after 180s , and the steady system has a quick response in changing load .

  17. 然而,印第安纳州牧师PaulBegley对于湖水变红有着另外的看法,他坚持认为这是圣经里的启示录。

    However , Indiana preacher Paul Begley has a different take on the Texas water that turned red , maintaining that the sign pointed to the likelihood of an apocalypse event as provided in prophesies backed by Biblical passages .

  18. 我发现他们变了,着了魔似地,超出了我的范畴。

    They strike me as changed and rapt beyond my sphere .

  19. 变老伴随着一系列身体问题。

    Getting old comes with a host of physical problems .

  20. 问题集中在一份被施了魔法的埃及碑文上,它与展品变活有着密切关系。

    The problems center on an enchanted Egyptian tablet tied to the animation of the exhibits .

  21. 对目前的最佳调优配置而言,邮件文件变大意味着什么?

    What do larger mail file sizes mean in terms of current and optimal tuning configuration ?

  22. 结果表明,聚氨酯树脂的结构对移膜革耐黄变性能起着决定性的作用,其中面料层树脂对耐黄变性能的影响尤为显著;

    The results show that structure of polyurethane resin has important effect on resistance to yellowing of the transfer film leather .

  23. 成功地捕获瞬变发现意味着在音乐发展的扬声器能够做到公正地对原始音频信号的攻击。

    Successfully capturing the transients found in music meant developing a loudspeaker able to do justice to the attack of the original audio signal .

  24. 但你妻子没注意她丈夫变颜色意味着她根本不注意。

    But if your wife hasn 't picked up on the fact that her husband has changed colors , she 's just not paying attention .

  25. 理论研究发现液体喷射瞬变燃烧存在着临界喷射压降。

    It is found from this theoretical study that there is a critical value of injection pressure drop required , for the liquid quench of rocket motor .

  26. 另一方面,“婴儿潮”一代的变老意味着,西方国家中25岁至35岁人群的绝对人数已经缩减,这个事实可能会使首次购房者的统计数字下降。

    On the other hand , the ageing of the " baby boom " generation means the absolute number of25-to35-year-olds in western countries has shrunk , which is likely to depress statistics .

  27. 样品为点式带状和连续带状蚀变结构,意味着矿物经历了不同程度的原生蚀变作用,同时Si和Th含量增加。

    The spotted zoning texture and the continuous zoning texture imply that the mineral undergo various degrees of the early primary alteration with increasing of Si and Th .

  28. 负形成热的计算发现:合金化元素X在镁氢化合物(MgH2)中少量固溶时,体系相结构稳定性变差,预示着解氢能力得到改善。

    Through calculations of the negative heat of formation of magnesium hydride alloyed by X , it was found that when a little X dissolve into magnesium hydride , the structural stability of alloying systems decreases , which indicates that the dehydrogenation properties of MgH_2 can be improved .

  29. 因为变老只是意味着多了点这些

    because getting old just means I will have had more of this .

  30. 汽车企业指出,重量变轻就意味着更省油。

    Automakers point out that lighter weight automatically translates into less gasoline burned .