
  • 网络reliability allocation;Reliability Apportionment
  1. 实验表明了PSO在求解软件可靠性分配问题的有效性。

    The imitate results manifest that the PSO can be effective on solving the software reliability allocation problems .

  2. 研究常用可靠性分配方法优缺点,提出一种基于灰色关联理论的AGREE分配方法。

    Through studying on the advantage and disadvantage of common reliability allocation methods , a new AGREE method combined with the grey relative theory was brought forward .

  3. 双基色LED图文显示屏的可靠性分配

    Reliability Distributing of Double Color Based LED Picture and Text Display Screen

  4. 给出三种可靠性分配方法,即等分配法、AGREE法、最小努力分配法。

    Three methods of reliability distribution , i.e. Agreement method , AGREE method , Exertion minimum are given .

  5. 实际软件测试结果表明,基于AHP的可靠性分配结果与测试结果近似,且满足用户对控制软件可靠性的指标要求。

    The actual testing data indicates that the reliability allocation with AHP is close to the testing result , and the reliability index is content to the user requirement .

  6. 在充分分析液压负载模拟器控制软件功能及故障模式的基础上,提出了基于层次化分析(AHP)的可靠性分配模型。

    On the basis of analyzing the function of control software and failure mode of hydraulic load simulator , the reliability allocation model was presented based on analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) .

  7. 运用上述的理论和方法,建立系列的函数文件,以MATLAB为平台开发一个界面系统,输入原始数据,可以得到气泡膜机分系统可靠性分配的结果。

    With the theories and methods above , establish a series of function files , apply MATLAB as platform to develop an interface system , by inputting the raw data , you can get the results of reliability allocation of subsystems for the bubble film machines .

  8. 针对标准遗传算法存在着收敛速度慢、易陷入局部极小值等缺点,本文设计并实现了自适应多种群并行遗传算法(AMPGA),来解决大型、复杂软件系统的可靠性分配问题。

    For standard genetic algorithm has the defects of slowly converging and easily falling into local extremum , the author designed and realized the adaptive multi-population parallel genetic algorithm ( AMPGA ) to solve the reliability allocation problem of large and complicated software systems .

  9. 软件可靠性分配是软件可靠性工程的一门新的分支技术。

    Software reliability allocation is a new branch of software engineering .

  10. 基于预测值的火炮可靠性分配的模糊方法

    Fuzzy Method for Gun Reliability Distribution Based on the Prediction Value

  11. 导弹控制系统长期加电可靠性分配方法研究

    Reliability Allocation Method for the Long Time Working Missile Control System

  12. 基于遗传算法系统可靠性分配优化模型

    An Optimization Model of System Reliability Apportion Based on Genetic Algorithms

  13. 面向产品生命周期的混合可靠性分配

    Hybrid Method of Reliability Distribution for the Life Cycle of Product

  14. 舰载武器控制系统软件可靠性分配技术研究

    Research on Reliability Allocation of Software for Shipboard Weapon Control System

  15. 基于直接搜索法的武器系统可靠性分配

    Reliability Allocation of the Weapon System Based on the Direct Search Method

  16. 卫星可靠性分配优化方法研究

    A Study on the Optimum Approach of Satellite Reliability Apportionment

  17. 增雨防雹火箭的可靠性分配及其单元可靠性增长试验

    Reliability distribution and unit reliability growth tests for rainfall-enhancement and anti-hail rocket

  18. 基于模糊相似比例与综合评判的发动机可靠性分配

    Aeroengine reliability allocation based on fuzzy prorating method and fuzzy synthetic assessment

  19. 串联系统可靠性分配问题中努力最小算法的证明

    Proof and Application of Effort Minimal Algorithm in Series System Reliability Distribution

  20. 面向多用户的模块化软件系统的可靠性分配

    Reliability allocation for modular software system designed for multiple customers

  21. 关于车辆传动系统可靠性分配的分析与比较

    Analysis and comparison of reliability deployment of vehicle transmission system

  22. 一种面向复杂系统的模糊可靠性分配方法

    A method of fuzzy reliability allocation for the complex system

  23. 基于领域专家知识的发动机模糊可靠性分配方法

    Fuzzy reliability allocation method for engine based on the experts ' knowledge

  24. 可靠性分配是舰艇训练模拟系统可靠性工程的重要环节。

    Study of Hierarchical Federation Architecture of Submarine Voyage Training Simulation System ;

  25. 可靠性分配的因素综合法及其特性

    Factors synthetical method for reliability allocation and its properties

  26. 基于现场数据的汽车起重机可靠性分配

    Reliability Assignment of Automotive Crane Based on Practical Data

  27. 基于遗传算法的模糊可靠性分配加权模型及其实现

    Weighted Model and Realization of Fuzzy Reliability Apportionment Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithm

  28. 基于架构的软件可靠性分配模型及优化研究

    Study on Architecture-Based Software Reliability Allocation Modeling and Optimization

  29. 面向多用户软件系统的可靠性分配的故障树分析法

    Fault tree analysis of MULTI-ISER oriented software reliability allocation

  30. 武器系统可靠性分配的动态规划方法

    Dynamic Planning Method of Reliability Distribution for Weapon System