
  • 网络Guinness
  1. 我以前没有尝过散装的吉尼斯黑啤酒,不过我想我会很快习惯的。

    I haven 't tried draught Guinness before but I think I could very soon get used to it .

  2. 当天早些时候,奥巴马夫妇访问了曼尼格村,并品尝了吉尼斯黑啤酒。

    Earlier in the day , the couple travelled to the tiny County Offaly village of Moneygall , where they drank Guinness .

  3. 也不喜欢有人等到最后才说要喝像吉尼斯烈性黑啤酒那样的酒,因为比起别的酒来,准备这种酒的时间要长得多。

    And they do not like people who wait until the end of the order before asking for such drinks as Guinness stout which take considerably longer to pour than other drinks .