
  • 网络competitors in business;The intensity of competitive rivalry
  1. 销售收入主要由服务佣金、会员费、广告刊登等部分组成,目前国内尚无同业竞争者。

    The turnover will consist of service commission , membership fee , commercials income and others . There is no competition in China .

  2. 但是,众多的同业竞争者的不断进入使整个行业的市场环境和供求关系发生了巨大变化,也使天元公司的生存和发展面临着严峻的考验和挑战。

    But the constant entries of competitors have made a great change to the whole market environment and supply-demand relationship and made Tianyuan industrial corporation face severe test and challenge .

  3. 由于道达尔已经建立了一种尊重且理解资源所有国政府的强大声望,因此与同业竞争者相比,它很可能拥有了一种优势。

    Because it has managed to build a strong reputation as a company that respects and understands resource-holder governments , total may well have an edge over its peer competitors .

  4. 这种行为不仅直接侵害同业竞争者公平交易的权利,破坏竞争的基本原则和正常的市场竞争秩序,还间接损害广大消费者的合法利益。

    This action not only directly violate the competitors ' fair trading right of the same sectors , undermine the fundamental principles of competition and market competition order , but also indirectly harm the legitimate interests of consumers .

  5. 从利益相关者角度看企业社会责任,企业应该对股东、雇员、客户、债权人、同业竞争者、政府、社会及社区承担社会责任。

    For the corporate social responsibility , from the viewpoint of the stakeholders , corporations should be held socially responsible for their shareholders , employees , clients , creditors , counterparts , the government , society and communities .

  6. 行业协会是同业竞争者的联合组织,其在维护协会成员的利益并实现行业利益最大化时,可以很好的维护自由公平的竞争。

    Trade Association is organized jointly with the industry , competitors , and its safeguard the interests of members of the Association and to achieve maximum benefits to industry , we can maintain a good free and fair competition .

  7. 本文通过建立一种较为复杂的但依然反映单向因果关系属联立性质的模型&递归模型,对同业内竞争者因素作用下的CAPM进行了实证检验。

    Through establishing a quite sophisticated recursive linear model , the paper conducts a practical check of CAPM influenced by competitors of the same industry .