
  • 网络Post Sampling
  1. AR谱不受信号经小波变换后采样点变少的限制,得到准确的故障频率值。

    In spite of fewer samples , AR_spectrum can get accurate frequency values of the fault .

  2. 方法对47例HBV-DNA阳性的乙型肝炎患者使用的血糖仪采血枪消毒前和用75%乙醇、1%含氯消毒剂消毒后采样监测。

    METHODS The blood sampling gun of blood sugar meter was checked before and after 75 % alcohol or 1 % chlorine-containing disinfectant disinfection .

  3. 胁迫第7、14、30、60d后采样测量免疫指标。

    After stress of 7 , 14 , 30 , 60 days , fish were sampled to examine their immune indexes .

  4. 两所医院口腔器械和注射器械消毒前HBsAg和HBV-DNA混合样品阳性率均为3.0%左右,消毒后采样样品中仍有阳性检出。

    Before disinfection , both HBsAg and HBV-DNA compound sample positive rates of injective instruments and dental instruments were about 3.0 % . HBV-DNA was detected positively in one sample of dental instruments after disinfection .

  5. 两组分别在消毒前后和手术结束后采样进行细菌培养。

    The culture of bacteria was made in the two groups before and after disinfecting and after operation respectively .

  6. 碘伏用于术前手消毒效果的检测方法分两组对手术人员手消毒前、后采样计算无菌生长率。

    Method workers in operation room were divided into two groups , the bacterial contain on their hand were detected before and after hand sterilizing .

  7. 通过比较冷冻后采样和低温直接采样脑组织比重的变化,比较采样方法对于测量结果的影响。

    By comparing SG changes of both frozen tissue samples and fresh samples it is to determine the sampling methods ' effect on measurement of specific gravity of tissue .

  8. 该算法仅将Toeplitz化后的采样协方差矩阵的第一列元素作为网络输入,从而降低了输入矢量的维数。

    The algorithm reduces the dimension of the input vectors by using the Toeplitz technique for the sample correlation matrix and needs only the first column of the processed matrix .

  9. 一年后统一采样。

    And a year later , unified sampling .

  10. 该采集卡的最大特点是可以由程序设定每次同步触发后的采样延迟时间和采样的点数。

    The main features of the card show that it can set delay-time and the length of acquisition after triggering .

  11. 使用0.5%过氧乙酸对鸡舍进行喷雾消毒,分别在消毒前和消毒后间隔采样并测定鸡舍内空气中氨气含量和细菌总数。

    Disinfecting 6 henhouses with 0.5 % Peroxyacetic Acid solution , sampling determining air ammonia total microbe level in henhouses before and after disinfecting respectively .

  12. 基于降维的模型简化技术基于模型的采样数据得到模型的整体形状信息,并且通过对采样信息的分析修改来对模型进行简化,最后在修改后的采样信息上对模型进行重建得到简化模型。

    The simplification is done through analyzing and modifying the sampling data . And the simplified model is constructed based on the modified sampling data .

  13. 这种新方法的运用使管理人员能及时地掌握外业生产质量和工作进度情况,并可杜绝外业收队后发现采样点偏离、漏点等无法补救等问题,提高了工作质量和工作效率。

    The usage of the new method can avoid deviation and omittance of the sampling spots . Thus , we can raise working quality and labor productivity .

  14. 利用网络最优化结构对重构后的采样序列训练集相空间进行非线性拟合,进而预测验证集。

    The optimal structure of network is trained by training set , obtained after sampling time series ' reconstruction of Phase Space . Then the network is to forecast test set .

  15. 理想的软件无线电电台要求对天线接收的模拟信号经过放大后直接采样,但由于技术所限很难实现,而多采用中频采样的方法。

    The ideal software radio requires the sampling system directly samples the amplified signal which was received by the antenna , but it can 't be implemented due to the limit of technology .

  16. 这样改进后的采样新方法不仅可记录时间信息,还可记录层位信息,并且在深时转换后会保留更多的薄层信息,使测井资料与地震资料匹配得更好。

    New sample method records not only time information but also reflection interface information , which may remain thin bed information after transforming from depth domain to time domain , and make well information match seismic profile better .

  17. 该方法将CCD驱动器的输出经分压整形处理后作为双采样信号的时序基准,从而使双采样信号具备自适应跟踪能力;

    By proposed method , the output of CCD driver was divided and was taken as a benchmark for the CDS signals , so that CDS signals can be used to track the driving signal adaptively .

  18. 首先,从Poser软件中导出标准模型的顶点数据,根据这些顶点数据,经过分层采样,去除噪点和排序等操作后,得到采样点。

    Firstly , the vertex data of the standard model is exported from Poser software . According to these vertex data , we sample the data and remove the noise , then use NURBS curve to fit the data .

  19. 返航后,取出采样瓶和进行现场数据查询。

    Return later , remove the sample bottle and query the data on-site .

  20. 方法用平板自然沉降法于开始消毒前及消毒后不同时段采样检测菌数并作细菌鉴定;空气消毒效果采用检验科细菌室中自然菌作为观察对象;

    METHODS Collecting air bacteria with plates before and after air disinfection , then identifying them , we selected one room to be observed .

  21. 方法根据《内镜清洗消毒技术操作规范(2004年版)》要求,对医院内镜消毒管理现状进行调查,并对消毒后的内镜采样监测。

    ( METHODS ) According to Technical Operation Standard for Endoscopes Cleaning and Disinfection ( 2004 )′ s ( requirement ), a survey and sampling of disinfected endoscopes were carried out .

  22. 使用数据采集系统实时采集试验过程中的压力、流量数据,同时对筛管防砂后的流体采样,并进行粒度分析。

    It can collect the pressure and the flow by DA ( data acquisition ) system during testing , also can sample and analysis the grain size of the flow after controlled sand .

  23. 因为粒子聚集后需要重采样来分散粒子权重,会使得学习间断或采样与跟踪目标的实际特征出现偏差。

    Because of it needs to re-sample weights to spread the particles when the weight of particles move together , which makes a learning interrupt and sampling deviation from the objectives actual characteristics .

  24. 第三部分的内容根据跳频信号的复杂通信环境,提出了基于子空间投影技术的后验压缩采样方法,既消除了定频信号的干扰,又实现了跳频信号的高效采集。

    Then , based on the complexity of frequency hopping communications environment , content proposed a method named posterior compressive sampling , both eliminate the interference of fixed frequency signal and ensures the efficient acquisition of frequency hopping signal .

  25. 在得到测量结果后利用数据采样和数理统计的方法基于性能参数进行网络可靠性的统计计算,并进行可靠性分析。实现了网络流量相关信息的监测。

    After getting the measurement results , we statistically computed the reliability of network by means of sampling and symbolic statistic , and did reliability analysis . Third , we realized the statistic of the relative information about network runoff .

  26. 研究结果表明,双线性变换中的频率失真与采样频率和系统本身的特性有关,当系统特性确定后,增加采样频率,可以减少误差。

    The results obtained in the paper show that the frequency infidelity in Bi Linear Transform is related to sampling frequency and the characteristics of the system . The higher the sampling frequency is , the less the error there will be in a certain system .

  27. 在同步采样控制中,采用实时采样方式,通过测量同步信号的频率,分频后控制ADC的采样频率,实现了多路信号的同步采样。

    In synchronous data acquisition controlling , the multiple-channel synchronous sampling implemented by controlling ADC with divided frequency of synchronous signal in real-time sampling .

  28. 数字射频存储器(DRFM)是电子对抗中的一个关键部件,它将雷达信号下变频后的信号进行采样保存,再延时转发出去,从而实现距离上的欺骗干扰。

    Digital RF memory is a key component of the electronic jammer . It samples and saves the signal which is from down frequency conversion of radar signal , then postpones and sends it out , thus the deception and interference in distance are realized .

  29. 电路设计完成后,进行了采样保持电路的版图设计。

    After the schematic is finished , the layout of the circuit is designed .

  30. 消毒前、后2次空气采样,进行细菌计数。

    Before and after disinfected , air sampling was made two times and the bacterial number calculated .