
  • 网络Wu Wenjun;Wentsun WU;Wu Wen-Chun
  1. 利用吴文俊机械化数学方法通过符号演算获得了广义KdV方程的精确孤立波解

    Exact solitary wave solutions of a generalized KdV equation are obtained by using Wu 's mechanization mathematics method in symbolic computation

  2. 本文借助符号计算软件Maple,采用F-展开法和吴文俊代数消元法对Boussinesq方程进行研究,获得了多组精确解。

    This paper presents several exact solutions of the Boussinesq equation for shallow water motion by using the F-expansion method and Wu (?) s method with the symbolic calculative software Maple .

  3. 利用拓广的齐次平衡法[2]和吴文俊消元法,得到了BURGERSKDV方程的一类精确行波解及相似约化,这种求相似约化的方程比用Lie变换群法简便。

    Using the extending homogenous balance method and Wu elimination method , exact traveling wave solutions and similarity reductions of Burgers KdV are obtained . The method for solving similarity reductions is simpler and more convenient than that of classical Lie group of transformation .

  4. 吴文俊&从拓扑学到数学机械化

    Wu Wen - tsun , From Topology to Mathematics - Mechanization

  5. 试论吴文俊与中国运筹学及数量经济学的渊源

    Wu Wen-tsun and Origin of Chinese Operations Research and Quantitative Economics

  6. 吴文俊建立的数学机械化方法,极大的推动了几何定理机器证明领域的研究。

    Wu-method greatly contributes to geometry theorem proving research in the field .

  7. 浅谈吴文俊数学机械化思想

    On Wu Wenjun 's Mechanical Thought of Mathematics

  8. 从科学哲学视角评价吴文俊的学术创新与贡献

    Evaluating Wu Wen-jun 's Academic Innovation and Contribution from the Perspective of Philosophy of Science

  9. 中国古算的程序化思想与吴文俊的数学机械化工作

    The mechanical thought of mathematics in ancient China and WU Wen-jun 's work about mathematics mechanization

  10. 数学大师吴文俊的科学成就

    Scientific Achievements of Mathematician Wu Wenjun

  11. 库恩与吴文俊:反辉格史观的比较研究

    Kuhn and Wu Wenjun : A comparative study on the " anti-Whig " view of history

  12. 吴文俊及“吴方法”

    Wu Wenjun and Wu 's Method

  13. 吴文俊(1919~)数学家,中国科学院院士。

    Wu Wenjun ( 1919 ~ ) is a Chinese mathematician and academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences .

  14. 利用吴文俊消元法求解非线性代数方程组,即可得到非线性演化方程的多类行波解。

    The nonlinear system is solved by using Wu elimination and a series of travelling wave solutions are then obtained .

  15. 吴文俊的研究工作涉及数学的诸多领域,其主要成就表现在拓扑学和数学机械化两个领域。

    His research work covered a wide area of mathematics.lts main achievements involved two areas of topology and mathematical mechanization .

  16. 古为今用、自主创新的典范&吴文俊院士的数学史研究

    A Model of Making the Past Service the Present and Independent Innovation & Professor Wu Wen-tsun 's Studies in History of Mathematics

  17. 为研究转子轴承系统中非线性油膜力引起的半速涡动,本文给出了将吴文俊消去法和符号计算相结合的分析方法。

    In order to study half-speed whirl that is subjected to nonlinear oil force of rotor-bearing system , the Wu Elimination method and symbolic calculation method are combined in this paper .

  18. 全面评价了中国当代著名数学家吴文俊先生的科学成就,并主要介绍了吴文俊在拓扑学、中国数学史与数学机械化方面的卓越贡献。

    In this paper , we fully introduce the scientific achievements of famous Chinese mathematician Wu Wenjun , specially focus on his great contributions to topology , history of Chinese mathematics and machanization of mathematics .

  19. 在功放激励信号为变功率的单音正弦信号时,提出了用近似的谐波约束特征作为指纹,或由吴文俊方法得到约简的指纹特征。

    When the driven signal is sine signal with changeable power ( in different observation ), an approximate harmonic constraint feature is obtained . A more general method based on Wu method is also presented .

  20. 中国传统数学的构造性和程序化思想启发和影响了吴文俊的几何定理机器证明和数学机械化工作,表明在现代数学发展中中国传统数学仍有巨大的潜力。

    The mechanical thought of mathematics in ancient china made a deeply influence to Wu Wen-jun 's work about mathematics mechanization , it also exhibited the potential of mathematics in ancient china to modern mathematics .

  21. 该文根据吴文俊的约化方法和余式公式,给出了一个重要定理。据此对多项式零点集结构式进行了改进,得到了(Ⅰ型)和(Ⅱ型)两种新的零点集结构式。

    In this paper , an important theorem is given , the construction formula of zero set is improved , and two new construction formula of zero set ( i.e. , type ⅰ and type ⅱ) are suggested .

  22. 吴文俊的研究领域为拓扑学、代数几何、对策论、数学史、数学机械化,最重要的贡献是拓扑学(“吴示性类”、“吴公式”),在所属领域是基础性的。

    The research of Wu includes the following fields : algebraic topology , algebraic geometry , game theory , history of mathematics , mathematics mechanization , and his most important contribution is to topology ( the Wu class and Wu formula ) , which is somewhat foundational in its field .