
  • 网络respiratory tract burn
  1. 目的:观察MEBT/MEBO治疗重度烧伤并呼吸道烧伤病人的疗效。

    Objective : To observe the efficacy of MEBT / MEBO in the treatment of severe burn complicated by respiratory tract burn .

  2. 此外,模型的重复性极好,具有重度呼吸道烧伤的临床表现。

    The model was easily reproduced , manifesting the clinical features of severe respiratory burn .

  3. 抗组织胺及抗炎药对实验性呼吸道烧伤早期肺水肿的病理改变观察

    An Observation of Antihistamine & Anti - inflammation Drugs on Pathological Changes of Early Pulmonary Edema in Experimental Respiratory Burns

  4. 结论:MEBT/MEBO+常规呼吸道烧伤治疗方法+综合治疗方法用于治疗轻中度呼吸道烧伤病人,可避免不必要的气管切开。

    Conclusion : MEBT / MEBO and routine method and comprehensive treatment can be applied in the treatment of burn patients with moderate respiratory tract burn . Tracheotomy can be avoided .

  5. 本实验测定了兔呼吸道烧伤后肺提取液(肺灌洗液和肺组织匀浆液)的表面张力、卵磷脂含量、血氧分压和肺含水量。

    Surface tension ( in terms of hysteresis ), lecithin content , PaO2 and lung water content of both bronchial irrigation fluid and lung homogenates were determined after severe inhalation injury in rabbits .

  6. 平战时多发的颌面部复合创伤、吸入性呼吸道烧伤以及急性喉梗阻等伤(病)员,极易引起上呼吸道梗阻。

    Upper respiratory tract obstruction can be easily caused by some diseases in peacetime and war time , such as multiple complex maxillofacial trauma , inhalation of respiratory tract burns , acute laryngeal obstruction , etc. .

  7. 犬重度呼吸道蒸汽烧伤48h内肾脏的组织学和超微结构观察

    Histopathological and Ultrastructural Studies of Renal Tissues in Dogs with Severe Steam Respiratory Burns

  8. 兔呼吸道蒸汽烧伤后肺表面活性物质的变化

    Changing of pulmonary surfactants after Severe Steam Inhalation Injury in Rabbits

  9. 对实验性重度呼吸道蒸汽烧伤呼吸窘迫综合征的分析

    An analysis of respiratory distress syndrome observed in experimental severe steam respiratory burns

  10. 狗呼吸道蒸汽烧伤及合并体表烧伤后的肾脏病理变化

    Pathological Changes in the Kidneys in Dogs after Respiratory Burn and Its Combined Form

  11. 重度呼吸道蒸汽烧伤动物(狗)模型的制作

    A canine model of severe steam respiratory burns

  12. 本文对重度呼吸道蒸汽烧伤(单呼组)和呼吸道烧伤复合30%体表烧伤(复合组)狗的临床所见和血气结果进行了分析。

    The results of blood gas and clinical studies in 2 groups of dogs inflicted with severe steam respiratory burns and that combined with 30 % BSA flame burns were analyzed .