
  • 网络branding;Brand;Branded
  1. 品牌化可以继续叫我“杰克”

    Well , branding can keep calling me " Jack . "

  2. 截至目前,品牌化运动已经相当不错。

    The branding campaign has gone quite well , so far .

  3. AAITF2~(nd):走国际化、专业化、品牌化的发展道路

    Walks the internationalization , specialized , the brand development path

  4. 同样,为了品牌化的打算,和MacBookPro一样,苹果也会推出iPadPro。

    Also , for branding purposes , an iPad Pro would line up with the MacBook Pro .

  5. 再次,通过SWOT分析,确定公司的发展战略:相关多元化战略,品牌化战略,人力资源战略和信息化战略。

    Thirdly , this paper uses SWOT analysis to design the development strategy of the company including relative diversification strategy , branding strategy , human resource strategy and information strategy .

  6. 有一些广为人知的问题仍然在解决中,主要与国际化,帮助系统,品牌化与既有StarOffice二进制格式相关。

    There are a number of known issues that are still being worked on relating to internationalisation , help systems , branding and legacy StarOffice binary formats .

  7. 不过耶利米•欧阳近日在科技博客Mashable的一篇文章中警告称,一旦这个沟通渠道失去了真实性,它们可能会褪变成“另一个过度品牌化的企业媒体”,失去最初的吸引力。

    When authenticity leaves the room , Owyang warns in a recent Mashable article , these channels may become " yet another over-branded corporate medium , " losing their primary appeal .

  8. 品牌化生存:中国企业发展的新里程(下)

    Brand Existence : The New Course of Chinese Enterprises Development (ⅱ)

  9. 我公司正在向品牌化及系列化迈进。

    My company is moving to the brand and the series .

  10. 论品牌化的公共图书馆发展之路

    A Research on the Brand Development Path of the Public Library

  11. 电视新闻主持人形象塑造与栏目品牌化经营研究

    Research on Anchorman 's Iamge-building and the Management of Column 's Branding

  12. 传媒产品品牌化运营分析框架的构建

    On the Analysis Framework of the Brand Operation of the Media Products

  13. 三是,走品牌化建设的道路。

    The third is about the way of the construction of brand .

  14. 中国环保产品步入品牌化之路

    China Environmental Products Come into the Way of Famous Brand

  15. 设计创意是企业品牌化发展的原动力

    Design Creativeness is the Motivity of Enterprise 's Brand Development

  16. 雾灵山森林旅游产品品牌化经营的研究

    Studies on the Brand Management of Forest Tourism Product in Wuling Mountain

  17. 论主持人明星制与电视栏目的品牌化运作

    On the Star System of Director and the Branding Operation of TV Programs

  18. 必须将科技作为推进农产品品牌化的基本动力。

    Second , promote agricultural science and technology as the basic dynamic brand .

  19. 房地产品牌化的探讨

    A Study on the Brand Establishment in Real Estate

  20. 第二个品牌化领域是下面的联系人/主要联系人列表。

    The second branded area is below the Contacts / Primary Contacts lists .

  21. 浅谈当前高校学生社团的品牌化发展道路

    Talking about the Brand-based Development of University Student Society

  22. 基于地理标志的初级农产品品牌化建设研究

    Research on the Brand Construction of Primary Agricultural Product Based on Geographical Indication

  23. 第二,成立兵团特色农产品品牌化研究机构。

    Second , the establishment of special agricultural products Corps brand research institutions .

  24. 休闲农业品牌化发展初探

    The Beginning Researches on the Leisure Agriculture Brand Development

  25. 服务策划与图书馆品牌化发展

    The Service Scheme and Development of Library 's Grade

  26. 为了从中能够获胜并生存、壮大起来企业应走品牌化战略的企业发展道路。

    Enterprises should develop its strategy on brand to survive the market competition .

  27. 零售商自有品牌化趋势及对策研究

    Retailer Private Brand Developing Trend and Countermeasure Research

  28. 优选品牌化战略与品牌架构;

    Appropriate brand development strategies and brand structure ;

  29. 试论中国传播媒介的品牌化经营

    On Brand Management of Traditional Chinese Media Field

  30. 探索住宅建筑设计品牌化之路

    Exploring for the brand-building of the residential design