
  • 网络branding
  1. 那也就是说年薪为84730美元——据优兴欧洲、中东和非洲雇主品牌打造和人才吸引副总裁耐莉?里根巴赫?哈斯勒(NellyRiggenbachHasler)表示,这是一个现实的入门级薪资水平。

    That 's about $ 84 , 730 per year - which , according to Nelly Riggenbach Hasler , vice president of EMEA employer branding and talent attraction at Universum , is a realistic entry level salary .

  2. 但是电视节目又不同于一般的商业产品,因此电视节目的品牌打造也具有其独特的个性特征,电视节目的品牌的个性特征包括稳定性弱、区域性强、依赖性弱这三个方面。

    But TV program is different from ordinary commercial products , so program branding also has its unique personality , including the weak stability , strong regional and the weak dependence .

  3. 在两层次策划基础上,进行区域旅游品牌打造策划,这是RIS框架的延伸;

    Brand developing as an extension of the RIS framework ;

  4. 在品牌打造方面,吉利今年2月份在俄罗斯发布一款新型SUV,未来将推出更多车型。

    In a brand-building move , Geely also unveiled a new SUV model in Moscow and vow to launch more brand new models in the future .

  5. 前段时间,她与路易威登集团(LVMHmotHennessyLouisVuitton)合作,创办了位于巴黎的门店,成为首位为这家奢侈品牌打造商标的女性。

    She launched the Paris-based line earlier this year , in partnership with LVMH Mo ë t Hennessy Louis Vuitton , becoming the first woman ever to create a label for the luxury house .

  6. 新的3G运营商必注重宣传策略和创新,力争获得市场先机。未来运营商将会十分关注手机补贴、渠道建设和品牌打造等问题。

    New 3G carriers must be paying attention to the strategies of publicize and innovation , fend to acquire the opportunities in markets , In future the carriers will pay a lot of attention on the mobile allowance , channels construction , and brand creation etc.

  7. 浅议大型体育赛事对于地区品牌打造的意义

    The Significance of Large-scale Sports Competitions for the Creation of Regional Brand

  8. 论科技期刊的品牌打造

    Discussion on Brand Construction of Technical Periodicals

  9. 浅议地产广告的品牌打造

    On Brand Forging of Real Estate Advertisements

  10. 翻译出版的品牌打造

    Brand - building of Translated Publishing

  11. 四个品牌打造的实战案例

    Four Cases of Brand Making

  12. 论房地产品牌打造

    Brand Establishment in Real Estate

  13. 这笔新投资将用于建造更多工厂,并为旗下各品牌打造品牌形象。

    The new investment will be directed at building more factories and creating better awareness of its brands in China .

  14. 在激烈的市场竞争中,会展旅游的强势品牌打造已经成为制胜的关键。

    In the intense competition , to build a strong brand of MICE Tourism has been the key to win .

  15. 与发达工业化国家相比,我国在纺织服装技术创新、经营管理和品牌打造方面还处于劣势。

    Compared with industrialized countries , our textiles and clothing are still in inferior position in technological innovation , marketing management , brand building , etc.

  16. 基于客户满意的品牌打造也将成为我国房地产企业未来的发展归宿。

    According to customer satisfied that the brand creates and will also become the business enterprise future development of the our country real estate marriage .

  17. 赫名人勇往直前,奋发上进,我们会将品牌打造为实实在在赫赫有名的产品,与广大经销商共创辉煌!

    Heming go forward , upward mobility , we will build for the real famous brand products , with the majority of dealers to create brilliant !

  18. 准确定位是达到景区开发和实现后续品牌打造的成功保障,是建立两者相通的直接关联点。

    Nicety position is the successful guarantee of scenery spot exploitation and later brand founding , and is the direct associated point to erecting both two communicating .

  19. 但是,各旅游地的品牌打造似乎都只停留在政府主导的层面,旅游供应商在旅游品牌的打造上过于依赖政府的作用。

    However , the brand of tourist places seems to stay the level of government-led , tourism suppliers seem to be dependent on the role of government .

  20. 此外,人才管理方法、品牌打造方法及赛事运营公司管理比赛的方法在内蒙古汽车拉力赛市场化运作中也是必不可少的。

    Moreover , talent management method , brand make method and organized the competition by competition company are also the absolutely necessary strategic in the rally raid .

  21. 目前,国内一些规模较大的房地产企业开始重视品牌打造以及客户满意度调查,但是与国外企业相比仍处于起步阶段。

    Currently , a little bit local scales bigger real estate business enterprise starts value brand to create and the customer satisfaction investigate , but compare with foreign business enterprise to still be placed in a beginning stage .

  22. 针对冶金机械产业集群发展中存在的问题,从环境建设、政策制度、技术创新能力、服务支撑体系、品牌打造和人才引进等方面,提出了具体建议。

    In accordance with the problems of metallurgical machinery industrial clusters , specific suggestions were provided based on the environment construction , policy system , technical innovation capability , and service supporting system , brand making and talent introduction , etc.

  23. 本论文目的是综合分析这些只处在中国的中国公司却选择将自己的品牌打造成西方特色的市场战略,以此吸引他们的客户市场的原因。

    The goal of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the reasons why those Chinese companies choose such a marketing strategy and decide to present themselves as Western to their consumer market however it is located in China .

  24. 历史积淀和民族文化是壮锦文化品牌打造的核心要素,一步步地将其编织为壮族文化符号的代表。

    The historical accumulation and the ethnic culture are the core elements for the brand building of the Zhuang Brocade culture . And the Zhuang Brocade culture is wove to be the representative of the Zhuang Culture symbol step by step .

  25. 本文的研究成果对于《贵州都市报》的品牌打造和营销品牌有着良好的实践指导意义,同时,对于整个报业集团其它报种的经营实践也有一定的参考价值。

    The research result of the article is practically instructive to the brand 's building-up and marketing of Guizhou Metropolis Newspaper , and at the same time it 's of great value of reference to other newspapers ' management of the whole group .

  26. 树立品牌意识打造地方名优品牌

    Set Up Brand Concept Establish Local Famous and Quality Brand

  27. 企业品牌的打造和经营,必须以诚信为其坚实的基础。

    The construction and management of brands must be firmly based on credibility .

  28. 二是初创品牌:打造优势品牌,让人人享有教育;

    Establishing the brand and let everybody receive education ;

  29. 实施品牌战略打造国际品牌

    Put brand strategy into practice and create international brand

  30. 服装企业品牌的打造

    Brand Creation Of Clothing Enterprise Business Data ENTERPRISE