
  • 网络Brand Database
  1. 本文围绕减少国产数据库与国际品牌数据库技术差距展开研究,设计并实现了平台主要模块。

    Aiming at shortening the gap between the domestic and international mainstream database systems , key modules of the platform are researched and implemented .

  2. 在现代企业环境中,用多个数据库和多种品牌的数据库来存储公司数据已经不足为奇。

    In modern enterprise environments it is not unusual to have multiple databases and database brands to store corporate data .

  3. 该数据库是全球最大的品牌价值数据库,涵盖数千个品牌,以逾200万份深度采访为基础。它让我们能以量化的形式,详细理解世界各地消费者的决策行为。

    Covering thousands of brands and based on more than 2m in-depth interviews , it provides a detailed , quantified understanding of customer decision - making the world over .