
  1. 哈尔滨市图书馆地方文献工作实践与思考

    Local Bibliographic Work Practice and Thinking of the Harbin Municipal Public Library

  2. 合理使用政府资金,努力提高办馆效益&哈尔滨市图书馆专项资金使用情况分析

    Rationally Using Government Funds and Improving Library Services

  3. 倾心视障读者,点亮心灵之灯&以哈尔滨市图书馆为例

    Warm-hearted to Visually Impaired Readers and Lights Lit Hearts & Taking the Harbin Municipal Library as an Example

  4. 读者阅读与图书馆服务&哈尔滨市图书馆2008年读者读书成果竞赛统计分析

    Readers ' Reading and Library Service & Statistical analysis of Readers ' Reading Achievement Competition of Harbin Public Library in 2008

  5. 哈尔滨市政府逐年加大对哈尔滨市图书馆的资金投入。

    Haerbin Municipal Government allocates more and more budgets for the Municipal Library .