
  • 网络hazara;Hazaras
  1. 那老人扬了扬灰白的眉毛:是吗?幸运的哈扎拉人,有这么关心他的主人。

    The old man raised a pepper gray eyebrow . He is ? Lucky Hazara , having such a concerned master .

  2. 最终,我是普什图人,他是哈扎拉人,我是逊尼派,他是什叶派,这些没有什么能改变得了。

    In the end , I was a Pashtun and he was a Hazara , I was Sunni and he was Shi'a , and nothing was ever going to change that .

  3. v.报复,回敬n.使人痛苦的人或物adj.免疫的n.麻醉学家,麻醉师随后那个星期,有天下课,我把那本书给老师看,指着关于哈扎拉人那一章。

    The following week , after class , I showed the book to my teacher and pointed to the chapter on the Hazaras .

  4. 你的哈扎拉人今天犯了大错,阿米尔。

    Your Hazara made a big mistake today , Amir , he said .

  5. 更糟糕的是,这个家伙居然是个瘦小的哈扎拉人。

    And , worst of all , that someone was a skinny Hazara .

  6. 我告诉你为什么,哈扎拉人。

    I 'll tell you why , Hazara .

  7. 阿塞夫一愣,他开始退后一步,“最后的机会了,哈扎拉人。”

    Assef flinched . He began to take a step back , stopped . " Last chance , Hazara . "

  8. 政府安全部队以塔吉克人、乌兹别克人和哈扎拉人为主,中央政府得不到普什图人的支持。

    The government security forces themselves are largely Tajik , Uzbek and Hazara , with little Pashtun support for the central government .

  9. 我叹了一口气:那些伊朗人对多数哈扎拉人来说,伊朗是个避难所,我猜想也许是因为多数伊朗人跟哈扎拉人一样,都是什叶派穆斯林。

    I sighed . Those Iranians * For a lot of Hazaras , Iran represented a sanctuary of sorts & I guess because , like Hazaras , most Iranians were Shi'a Muslims .

  10. 我叹了一口气:“那些伊朗人……”对多数哈扎拉人来说,伊朗是个避难所,我猜想也许是因为多数伊朗人跟哈扎拉人一样,都是什叶派穆斯林。

    I sighed . " Those Iranians ... " For a lot of Hazaras , Iran represented a sanctuary of sorts -- I guess because , like Hazaras , most Iranians were Shi'a Muslims .

  11. 那老人扬了扬灰白的眉毛:“是吗?幸运的哈扎拉人,有这么关心他的主人。他的父亲应该跪在你跟前,用睫毛扫去你靴子上的灰尘。”

    The old man raised a pepper gray eyebrow . " He is ? Lucky Hazara , having such a concerned master . His father should get on his knees , sweep the dust at your feet with his eyelashes . "

  12. 他会为你献身吗?难道你没有觉得奇怪,为什么他跟客人玩总不喊上你?为什么他总是在没有人的时候才理睬你?我告诉你为什么,哈扎拉人。

    Would he do the same for you ? Have you ever wondered why he never includes you in games when he has guests ? Why he only plays with you when no one else is around ? I 'll tell you why , Hazara .

  13. 他上下打量着我:像你这样的男孩,干吗在这个时候找一个哈扎拉人呢?他艳羡地看着我的皮衣和牛仔裤&牛仔穿的裤子,我们总是这样说。

    He eyed me up and down . What is a boy like you doing here at this time of the day looking for a Hazara ? His glance lingered admiringly on my leather coat and my jeans & cowboy pants , we used to call them .

  14. 他上下打量着我:“像你这样的男孩,干吗在这个时候找一个哈扎拉人呢?”他艳羡地看着我的皮衣和牛仔裤--牛仔穿的裤子,我们总是这样说。

    He eyed me up and down . " What is a boy like you doing here at this time of the day looking for a Hazara ? " His glance lingered admiringly on my leather coat and my jeans -- cowboy pants , we used to call them .

  15. 哈桑长大后,会跟阿里和多数哈扎拉人一样,自出生之日起,甚至自莎娜芭不情不愿地怀上他那天起,就注定要成为文盲--毕竟,仆人要读书识字干吗呢?

    That Hassan would grow up illiterate like Ali and most Hazaras had been decided the minute he had been born , perhaps even the moment he had been conceived in Sanaubar 's unwelcoming womb -- after all , what use did a servant have for the written word ?