
  • 网络Harlem;Keith Haring;Halim;haring;halling
  1. 现在在YouTube上搜索哈林摇摆舞,可以找出33万个结果。

    Searching Harlem Shake on YouTube now brings 330,000 results .

  2. 现在在YouTube上搜索“哈林摇摆舞”,可以找出33万个结果。

    A lot . Searching " Harlem Shake " on YouTube now brings 330000 results .

  3. 1934年,TheBigApple成为纽约哈林街区一家夜总会的名字,也是三十年代一个著名的舞蹈和一首打榜热歌的名字。

    It also was the name of a popular dance and a hit song in the nineteen thirties .

  4. 哈林篮球队在1948年及1949年打败全是白人的明尼阿波利斯湖人队(MinneapolisLakers),为NBA的种族融合作出了贡献。

    The Globetrotters have been credited with integrating the N.B.A. by beating the all-white Minneapolis Lakers in 1948 and 1949 .

  5. 然而莫斯科资本投资银行(CapitalInvestmentBank)的首席分析师卡里哈林(SergeiKarykhalin)对于来自西方的负面影响并不怎么担心,因为他认为,克里姆林宫领导人早已把可能出现的报复性因素都考虑进了他们的全面战略之中。卡里哈林说:

    But Sergei Karykhalin , chief analyst at the Capital Investment Bank in Moscow is not concerned about any negative Western influence on Russia , because he has confidence that Kremlin leaders factored possible retaliation into their overall strategy .

  6. 所以,我的很多学生知道,你不能再回到哈林儿童区了,因为Geoff那个家伙在到处找你。

    So a bunch of my kids know you can 't come back to Harlem because Geoff is looking for you .

  7. 第二年,哈林篮球队的纳特·“甜水”·克利夫顿(Nat“Sweetwater”Clifton)成为了首位与联盟签订合同的黑人球员。

    The next year , the Globetrotters " Nat " Sweetwater " Clifton became the first black player to sign a contract with the league .

  8. 嘻哈音乐史学家A-tone认为:“它们只是名字相同,仅此而已。”最初的哈林摇摆舞诞生于30年前的哈林区篮球场上,是由已故的阿尔伯特·利奥波德·博伊斯(AIB)在嘻哈音乐早期最先发明的。

    A-tone , a hip-hop historian , says " they share the name but that 's it . " The original dance was created by the late Albert Leopold Boyce ( Al B ) on Harlem 's basketball courts three decades ago in the early days of hip hop .

  9. 这是因为当莱蒙(上图前排左三)1953年加入哈林篮球队(HarlemGlobetrotters)时,他们对喜剧和篮球花招的融合是比赛中最具吸引力的地方。

    That 's because when Lemon , above front row third from left , joined the Harlem Globetrotters in 1954 , their mix of comedy and basketball legerdemain was the biggest draw in the game .

  10. 哈林变电站2台变压器并列运行方式的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Two Transformer 's Parallel Operating Pattern of Halin Substation

  11. 你有没有哈林区这边公立学校的名单?

    do You Have A List Of The Public Schools In Harlem ?

  12. 在哈林家,洗涮的日子是趣味盎然的,永远不会枯燥乏味。

    Wash-day was interesting , never dreary at the Harlings .

  13. 司机:上城区?你正朝哈林区去呢!

    Cab driver : uptown ? You headed into harlem !

  14. 实时犯罪中心追踪到奥蒂兹在哈林区的一间废弃学校里。

    The RTCC tracked Ortiz to an abandoned school in Spanish Harlem .

  15. 他在哈林区的一所废弃学校里。

    He 's at an abandoned schoolhouse in Spanish Harlem .

  16. 哈林表示,叙利亚冲突可能会越来越转向大马士革。

    He says the conflict in Syria will likely move increasingly to Damascus .

  17. 答案是,哈林文艺复兴诗人兰斯顿·休斯写下了这些。

    The answer here , Harlem Renaissance poet Langston Hughes wrote those words .

  18. 弗兰克告诉过你不要老是看那本关于格罗哈林的书。

    Frank toid you not to constantiy read that book about gro Hariem brundtiand .

  19. 但是哈林区的其他人很生气。

    Others in Harlem are angry about it .

  20. 在地铁里在哈林区哪儿都行

    OK , in the subway , in fucking Harlem , everywhere , OK ?

  21. 不过有很多住在哈林区的人说,这些不是真正的哈林摇摆舞。

    But this is not the true Harlem Shake , say many in Harlem .

  22. 年过五旬的琼斯大厨还记得原始版本的哈林摇摆舞。

    Chef Jones , who is in her 50s , remembers the original version .

  23. 也曾是哈林篮球队的一员。

    and also played for the Harlem Globetrotters .

  24. 现在哈林儿童区的中学生的辍学率是多少呢?

    So what is the high school dropout rate at Harlem Children 's Zone ?

  25. 哈林牧师话讲得真漂亮。

    Reverend hallin spoke so beautifully .

  26. 瓜地马拉的农民或哈林区的失业者却显然没有办法这样做。

    The peasants of Guatemala or the unemployed in Harlem are in no position to do so , obviously .

  27. 这个是哈林篮球俱乐部,而张伯伦的加入,给了他们新的生命。

    It was a renown Harlem spot , and with Wilt 's involvement , he gave it new life .

  28. 哈林说,目前的计画包括研究狐猴的运动、力强度与指猴的觅食行为。

    Current projects , Haring says , include looking at lemur locomotion and jaw strength and at aye-aye foraging behavior .

  29. 伊能静与演员黄维德的恋情被狗仔队曝光后,她结束了与庾澄庆(哈林)的9年婚姻。

    Yi ended a nine-year marriage with singer Harlem Yu in 2009 after paparazzi discovered her affair with actor Victor Huang .

  30. 无论哪种方式,如果你想生还。你就将不得不在哈林区成为最有影响力的男子。

    Either way , if you want to survive . you 'll have to become the most influential man in Harlem .