
  • 网络hawass
  1. 首席考古学家札希·哈瓦斯在一份声明中称,他们在卢克索西岸的沙滩下发现了这座名为“太阳神崛起”的城市。

    The city , named " The Rise of Aten , " was discovered under the sand on the western bank of Luxor , lead archaeologist Zahi Hawass said in a statement .

  2. 最后一名驻扎探险家是扎黑?哈瓦斯。

    The latest addition to the Explorers-in-Residence is Zahi Hawass .

  3. 全球顶级广告集团哈瓦斯的CEO上周一接受美国CNBC采访时表示,对商人来讲,中国社交媒体平台微信要比包括脸书在内的西方平台好得多。

    Chinese social media platform WeChat is better for marketers than Western offerings such as Facebook , the chief executive of Havas , a top advertising firm , told CNBC on last Monday .

  4. 这本新出的商业著作和伪企业社会责任识别手册出自大卫•琼斯之手,他是法国广告巨头哈瓦斯集团(Havas)的CEO。

    Such is the argument of who cares wins , a new biz book and pseudo CSR manual by David Jones , CEO of the French advertising giant Havas .

  5. 哈瓦斯(havas)旗下的媒体规划机构mpg北美首席高管查尔斯拉特曼(charlesrutman)预测,如果形势不出现好转,明年美国广告支出可能会减少5%。

    Charles Rutman , North America chief executive of mpg , the havas-owned media planning agency , reckons US ad spending could fall 5 per cent next year if conditions do not improve .

  6. 女:那么,你在哈瓦斯的具体职责是什么?

    W : So , what exactly is your role at Havas ?

  7. 哈瓦斯博士领导了找回罗塞塔石碑的行动。

    Voice 1 : Doctor Hawass is leading the effort to get the stone back .

  8. 和这些棺材在一起的还有一尊被称做佩塔·萨卡尔的神像,据哈瓦斯介绍,佩塔是古埃及的工匠之神,而萨卡尔为墓地之神。

    Petah was the god of artisans , Hawass said , while Sakar was the god of the cemetery .

  9. 哈瓦斯称,还需要进行数月的研究才能揭开图坦卡蒙母亲身份的更多谜团。

    Hawass said it would take several months to reveal more details about the identity of the Tutankhamun 's mother .

  10. 哈瓦斯称,从没有人开挖过这座金字塔,也没人知道它的墓室里躺着的是哪位国王。

    Hawass says no one had ever excavated the pyramid and no one knew which king it contained in its tomb .

  11. 位于巴黎的国际体育营销公司哈瓦斯体育从事帮助公司利用体育事件来找到新的消费者的业务。

    Havas Sports , an international sports marketing company based in Paris , helps companies use sporting events to reach new consumers .

  12. 官员引用个性鲜明的前埃及部长札西·哈瓦斯采取过的强硬立场来反对那些收藏来源不正的文物的博物馆。

    Officials also cite the tough stance taken by Zahi Hawass , a colourful former Egyptian minister , against museums with dodgy holdings .

  13. 之前哈瓦斯还在墙上了劳工们的涂鸦,自称为“胡夫的朋友”,证明人奴隶。

    Hawass had earlier found graffiti on the walls from workers calling themselves " friends of Khufu " - another sign that they were not slaves .

  14. 据《每日邮报》报道,该调查是由法国广告和传媒集团哈瓦斯集团开展的,调查了全世界范围内不同年纪的12000人。

    French advertising and public relations company Havas conducted the study , which sampled around 12000 people of mixed ages worldwide , the Daily Mail reported .

  15. 在一篇发表在自己的网页上的未注明日期的文章里,哈瓦斯怀疑这具将右手放置在胸前的特殊位置的木乃伊是否就是哈特谢普苏特王后。

    In an undated article on his Web site , Hawass cast doubt on the theory that the mummy with the folded right arm was that of Hatshepsut .

  16. 作为此次调查的一部分,哈瓦斯还发现,相比较真实世界,20%的英国人更愿意待在虚拟世界,享受虚拟人际交往。

    Also a part of this study , Havas discovered that 20 per cent of men in the United Kingdom enjoyed the virtual world and social media compared to real-world interactions .

  17. 哈瓦斯介绍说,梅里被认为是曾经监管过4艘埋藏在金字塔中的神舟,这些神舟曾是埃及国王的随葬品。

    Meri also was believed to oversee four sacred boats found in the pyramids , which were buried with Egypt 's kings to help them in the afterlife , Hawass said .

  18. 哈瓦斯继续说道,埃及学家卡尔·理查德·莱普修斯在上个世纪就记载了该金字塔,莱普修斯是德国埃及学家兼现代科学埃及学的创始人。

    Hawass added that the pyramid had been recorded in the last century by Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius , Lepsius was a German Egyptologist and a founder of modern scientific Egyptology .

  19. 很显然,这种生产方式在效率上太低了。不过,哈瓦斯和他的团队希望最终通过基因工程来生产蟑螂奶。但是在这之前,他们先要弄清楚蟑螂奶生产背后的生物和化学机理。

    Ultimately , however , Chavas and his team are hoping to reverse bioengineer cockroach milk , but first they need to understand the exact biological and chemical mechanisms underlying the process .

  20. 埃及首席考古学家扎西·哈瓦斯5月22日表示,埃及有关部门已经开始对一座沉没于地中海的古代罗马城市进行水下勘察。

    The Egyptian authorities have given the go ahead for the underwater exploration of what appears to be a Roman city submerged in the Mediterranean , Egypt 's top archaeologist said on Monday .

  21. 为了对其营养成分做更多深入的了解,哈瓦斯和他的同事从蟑螂幼虫肠道中提取了一种蛋白质晶体,进行了一系列的测验,甚至启用了基因序列分析,最终发现这种晶体完全可以作为一种食物。

    Chavas and his colleagues extracted one of these crystals to learn more about it and its potential nutrition . Following tests and even genome sequencing , they discovered it was a complete food .

  22. 哈瓦斯指出,这些木头棺材被称作类人棺,因为它们和人形一样,棺木上的文字记载表明它们属于埃及第26王朝。

    Hawass said the wooden coffins , called anthropoids because they were in the shape of human beings , bore inscriptions dating to the26th Dynasty , together with a statue of a deity called Petah Sakar .

  23. 虽然有人怀疑在吉萨入葬的船是用于胡夫法老在尼罗河上所举行的葬礼,但哈瓦斯说船从没下过河,因为它没有帆。

    Though some have speculated that the entombed Giza boats were used in Pharaoh Khufu 's Nile River funeral procession , Hawass said the boat never would have touched the water , since it lacks sails .

  24. 国家地理驻地探险家、埃及古迹最高委员会秘书长扎伊·哈瓦斯博士表示,他认为该金字塔属于公元前2444年至公元前2436年在位的第五王朝国王门卡霍尔。

    National Geographic explorer-in-residence Dr. Zahi Hawass , the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council for Antiquities , says he believes the pyramid belonged to the Fifth Dynasty King Menkauhor who ruled from 2444 B.C. to 2436 B.C.

  25. 哈瓦斯和他的同事们研究了这种又被称为太平洋折翅蠊的蟑螂,它是所有蟑螂种类中唯一的胎生昆虫--也就是说它们的繁殖不用排卵,而是直接在身体里哺养后代。

    Chavas and his colleagues examined the species , also known as Diploptera punctate , which is the only species of cockroach known to be viviparous -- able to bring forth live babies that have developed within the mother 's body , instead of the mother laying eggs to develop outside her body .