
  • 网络gothic;Gothic art
  1. 哥特式艺术的最高成就体现在建筑方面。

    Gothic art of the highest achievements in the construction area .

  2. 哥特式艺术对西方服饰的影响

    The Influence of Gothic Art to Western Dress Adornment

  3. 哥特式艺术和哥特艺术史在欧洲艺术史中居于重要的一页。

    Gothic art and its history occupy an important place in the history of European arts .

  4. 第二章系统的梳理了中世纪欧洲的宗教艺术,具体的介绍了哥特式艺术的历史重要性。

    Chapter ⅱ system combing the religious art of the Middle Ages in Europe , specifically the historical importance of the Gothic art .

  5. 哥特式艺术或绘画艺术作为基督教传统艺术形式,在北方国家的民族文化中具有强烈民族情感特征和审美意味。

    As a traditional art form of Christianity , Gothic art or its painting art possesses strong national emotions and aesthetic tastes in the national cultures of north European countries .

  6. 哥特式建筑艺术实现了中世纪基督教哲学与艺术创作的完美结合。

    Gothic architecture achieves medieval Christian perfect combination of philosophy and art .

  7. 因此对于哥特式建筑艺术的探讨也应该是多角度的。

    So for the art study of Gothic architecture should also be multiangle .

  8. 作为建筑史上的一座丰碑,哥特式建筑艺术远不止是建筑现象。

    As a monument of architectural history , Gothic architecture is more than just the phenomenon of high Building .

  9. 十五世级初,蔓延欧洲的国际哥特式的艺术形式被完全打破,以阿尔卑斯山为界,欧洲南北艺术开始分道扬镳。

    In early 15th century , the spread of " International Gothic-style " art forms in Europe have been completely broken , the European art began dividing North and South by the Alps for the sector .

  10. 基督教信仰是哥特式教堂建筑艺术风格的灵魂。

    Christian belief is the soul of the Gothic artistic style .

  11. 罗马式和哥特式建筑的艺术形象

    Art Image of Roman and Gothic Architecture The firmness of construction the base of gothic

  12. 哥特式是中世纪艺术的最高成就,它的发展经历了三个阶段。

    Gothic is the greatest artistic achievement in the Middle Ages . Its development has gone through three stages .