
  1. 在验证业务流程的有效性之后,运用统一建模语言UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage)这一高效系统建模工具,根据之前设计好的业务流程,建立了详细的商业企业物流信息系统模型。

    After verifying the effectiveness of business processes , I use the UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) to build a detailed model of the commercial enterprise logistics information system .

  2. 本文的最后提出了商业企业物流信息系统的建立在技术上的复杂性和过程上的长期性,同时也指出了本文研究的疏漏与不足以及未来的研究方向。

    At last , the article sets out that the establish of the commercial enterprise logistics information system is a complex and long-term process . And the article pointed out the gaps and shortcomings of this article as well as future research directions .

  3. 因此,商业企业的物流信息系统应适应电子商务的发展,利用电子商务手段使自身得到完善和优化。

    Therefore , logistics information system of commerce enterprise should adapt to the progress of electronic business , and electronic business can optimize and perfect logistics information system of commerce enterprise .

  4. 思达商业连锁超市物流管理信息系统的研究

    Analysis and Research on the Logistics Management Information System of Star Commercial Chain Supermarket

  5. 基于供应链管理的商业连锁企业物流管理信息系统的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on the Logistics Management Information System of Commercial Chain Corporation 'S Based on Supply Chain Management