
  • 网络Chu Nom
  1. 越南喃字的发展演变及其文化阐释

    Development and Its Cultural Explanation of Chu Nom in Vietnamese

  2. 汉越语与喃字就是这种影响在语言方面的产物。

    Sino-Vietnamese and Chu Nom are the products in Language under this influence .

  3. 论越南喃字文学的几个特点

    On the Characteristics of Chu Nom Literature

  4. 18世纪末19世纪初越南无名氏喃字作品之考察

    A Study of the Vietnamese Anonymous Nom Chu Works of the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries

  5. 另外,大量喃字文学作品是在中国文学作品的基础上,经再创作而成的。

    Besides , a large number of Chu Nom literary works are created based on Chinese literary works .

  6. 越南岱侬族喃字是岱侬族人使用过的一种与中国古壮字相类似的方块文字。

    Chu Nm , a writing system ever used by T à y-N ù ng People , was quite similar to Ancient Zhuang Script .

  7. 喃字文学是越南历史上曾经出现的一种文学形式,在越南文学史上具有一定的地位。

    Chu Nom literature , a genre that once existed in Vietnamese history , occupies a relatively influential position in the history of Vietnamese literature .

  8. 喃字是越南人为了记录越南语而借用汉字或在汉字的基础上,根据汉字的造字法,创制出来的一种方块字。

    Chu Nom is a kind of character created by Vietnamese for the purpose of recording Vietnamese based on Chinese character and Chinese word-formation method .

  9. 越南无名氏喃字作品在18世纪末19世纪上半叶获得了空前的发展,呈现出繁盛的局面。

    In the late 18th and early 19th centuries , the Vietnamese anonymous Nom Chu literature flourished , due to the special social circumstances of Vietnam at the time .

  10. 阐述了本文选取方块壮字和喃字的原则及材料依据,简要说明本文的研究方法。第二章多维视野观照下的文字发生学比较。

    The principles and basis of choosing character materials are explained , with a brief description of the research method . Chapter ⅱ: Comparison of character genesis from multi-dimensional perspective .

  11. 喃字是越南古代文化的载体之一,是中越文化交流的结果,是越南民族意识增强与民族文化发展的体现。

    Chu Nom , the carrier of ancient Vietnamese culture , is not only the result of Chinese and Vietnamese cultural exchange but also reflection of the rise of Vietnamese race consciousness and the development of its culture .
