
  1. DavidIves的喜剧艺术及其对中国喜剧的借鉴意义

    The Art of David Ives ' One - act Comedy and Its Implication to the Chinese Comic Theatre

  2. 关汉卿、莫里哀喜剧艺术相似性探微

    On the Similarity of Comedy Art Between Guan Hanqing and Moliere

  3. 论《鹿鼎记》的喜剧艺术

    On the Comedy Art of The Deer and The Cauldron

  4. 莫里哀与莎士比亚喜剧艺术比较

    The Comparison of Comedy Art Between Shakespeare and Moliere

  5. 论《围城》的喜剧艺术

    On the Comic Art of The Fortress

  6. 喜剧艺术是人们在审美接受中最受欢迎的一种艺术样式。

    The comic art is the most popular artistic form in people 's aesthetic reception .

  7. 喜剧艺术的呈现反映了张爱玲在喜剧创作上的杰出才华。

    The present of the comic art reflects the excellent talent in comedy of Eileen Chang .

  8. 浅析《黛西·米勒》的喜剧艺术

    The Comic Sense in Daisy Miller

  9. 《故事新编》的喜剧艺术特色

    Comedy Features of New Stories

  10. 论喜剧艺术的本质

    On the Essence of Comedy

  11. 《史记》是一部融悲剧与喜剧艺术于一炉的伟大著作。

    The Records of the Grand Historian is a great work that combines the comic characteristic quality with tragic one .

  12. 喜剧艺术化丑为美,提供了现代艺术创造与探索的广阔前景。

    By changing ugliness to beauty , the art form of comedy provides a future of creation and exploration for modern art .

  13. 卓别林开创的喜剧艺术所蕴含的“真善美”,启示着电视艺术的成长和成熟。

    The comedy art established by Charlie Chaplin which contains truth , virtue and beauty inspires the popularity of the TV art .

  14. 而审丑引起的笑与快感,又反映了喜剧艺术形式的相对独立性。

    However , laughter and delight caused by the appreciation of the ugliness reflects the relative independence of the art form of comedy .

  15. 尽管乔伊斯的时代已经过去,但是,他的传世作品和他的喜剧艺术仍然有待于深入解读。

    Though Joycean time is gone , but his everlasting works with the medium of comic sense will attract more people because comedy is born plebeian .

  16. 叙事文本中的话语之争,文本间的仿拟等修辞策略和悲喜剧艺术手法,都提示了言说主体的心理意识和价值准则。

    Meanwhile , the dispute of discourse , the rhetoric of pastiche and the artistic skill of tragedy or comedy both reveal the novelists ' sense and law of value .

  17. 赵本山团队始终坚持大众化、乡土化的民间喜剧艺术不动摇,在欢乐中淡化苦难和焦虑,用夸张和戏谑鞭挞丑恶和伪善。

    Zhao team always popular and folk arts of the folk comedy without wavering , in joy , suffering and anxiety fade , with exaggerated and ugly and hypocritical banter lashing .

  18. 引言部分:在对前人关于中国传统戏剧中喜剧艺术尤其是元杂剧喜剧艺术研究状况进行综述的基础上,指出从商业化角度探讨元杂剧喜剧性因素成因的独特意义和价值。

    In the Introduction , the author reviews the predecessors ' researches on traditional Chinese comic art , especially that of Yuan zaju . The author further reveals the unique significance of this thesis .

  19. 显然,莎翁虚实手法的运用与其喜剧浪漫艺术和喜剧理想的密切相关。

    Obviously , Shakespeare 's use of the falseness-trueness techniques is closely related to his romantic art of comedy and his ideal of comedy .

  20. 剖析了《威尼斯商人》的两组戏剧冲突,指出两组戏剧冲突构成了喜剧的艺术整体。

    The Merchant of Venice is a comedy composed by two groups of drama conflicts which crisscross with gradual progress and rise one after another .

  21. 文章就三个方面分析了Ives喜剧作品的艺术。

    Ives ' comic art is examined from three aspects .

  22. 丁西林在萧伯纳的影响下,高度重视喜剧的语言艺术。

    Dingxilin attached great importance to the language art of comedy under the affection of Shaw .

  23. 变异修辞艺术的成功运用,极大提高了喜剧台词的艺术感染力,给观众留下了十分深刻的印象。

    Art of variation rhetoric greatly improves the artistic expression of comedy lines , impressed the audience very much .

  24. 后期则通过对权威叙述的确立达成庄严肃穆、探讨人生哲理的意义表达效果,从而呈现出悲喜剧交融的艺术风格。

    In his later works , through the establishment of authoritative narration , it reached a solemn silence , got the Expression results of The Significance of life philosophy , and then showed a tragicomic blend of artistic style .

  25. 从他诙谐幽默的语言入手,运用文体分析理论中语言形式及其功能的关系来认识该作品中体现的双重性,从而见证这部历演不衰、百看不厌的喜剧的独特艺术魅力。

    Starting from its humorous language , this article will have a stylistic analysis based on the relationship between linguistic form and its aesthetic function to recognize the dualities in that comedy , so as to see the unique charm of the eternal masterpiece of Wilde .

  26. 莎士比亚悲剧中喜剧情节衬托的艺术手法

    Artistic Application of the Comedian Episodes to the Tragedies by W.Shakespeare

  27. 喜剧小品语言幽默艺术研究

    A Study on Humor in Comedic Skits

  28. 简论莎士比亚悲剧作品中喜剧情节的穿插艺术&莎士比亚戏剧作品研究之一

    Brief Discussion about William Shakespeare 's Artistic Methods of Applying the Comedian Plots to His Tragedies

  29. 二是悲喜剧之争和艺术特征之归纳;

    Dispute on the features of tragedy and comedy of his drama and the summarizing of his artistic features ;

  30. 独幕轻松喜剧的技巧作为艺术成分进入大型戏剧中,对大型戏剧形成独特的喜剧特质起到重要作用。

    The skills in the latter get into the former as artistic elements and lay the foundation for the special comic property in the full-length plays .