首页 / 词典 / good


chā chā
  • whispering sound;whisper


chā cha
  • whisper
喳喳 [zhā zhā]
  • [whispering sound] 低语声

  • 半夜总听见哪里喳喳

  • [whisper] 低语

  • 你们别喳喳了

喳喳[chā chā]
喳喳[chā cha]
  1. 屋里会合着100人唧唧喳喳的声音。

    The room resonated with the chatter of 100 people .

  2. 唧唧喳喳的声音渐渐地平静了。

    The chatter of voices gradually quietened .

  3. 桉树上鸟儿在吱吱喳喳地叫。

    There were birds twittering in the eucalyptus trees .

  4. 她在妈妈耳边喳喳了两句。

    She whispered a few words in her mother 's ear .

  5. 小鸟吱吱喳喳地叫着。

    The birds are chirping .

  6. 麻雀吱吱喳喳叫。

    Sparrows chirp .

  7. 问题是,由于我的Air小本使用了老式的酷睿2处理器,因此它有的时候会喳喳咔咔作响。

    Problem was , my air chugged at times on account of its older core 2 Duo processor .

  8. 艾尔文(灯灭了,音乐响起:《Let'sGetItOn》):嘣喳喳,哇喔,喳克,哇喔!

    Alvin : [ the lights turn down , the stereo turns on ; " Let 's Get It On " begins to play ] Boom chicka wow-wow , chicka wow-wow !

  9. 凯文:那边吱吱喳喳是怎么回事?

    Kevin : what 's all the buzz about over there ?

  10. 战鼓掩饰了心跳声,我就大喊大叫乱喳喳,从心底发出的呐喊。

    War drums black-out the beating heart , howling from inside .

  11. 这几个女孩儿碰到一起就唧唧喳喳说个没完。

    Whenever these girls get together , they chatter away nonstop .

  12. 鸟/麻雀唧唧喳喳叫。

    A bird / sparrow twitters / chirps / chirrups .

  13. 鸟儿吱吱喳喳地说了一天,到底在说些什麽。

    What birds say when they are chirping all day .

  14. 站在后面的人一直吱吱喳喳个没完。

    Those standing behind whispered and chattered all the time .

  15. 麻雀在吱吱喳喳地叫着,空气中飘荡着欢歌笑语。

    Sparrows were twittering . There were laughter and song in the air .

  16. 吱吱喳喳的鸟鸣在谷中回响。

    The valleys echoed the chirping of the birds .

  17. 观众不断唧唧喳喳,几乎听不出演员的台词。

    The actors could hardly be heard above the chatter of the audience .

  18. 女孩们边喝茶边吱吱喳喳。

    The girls were chattering away over their tea .

  19. 冰爽摩摩喳喳,芋头,红薯,豆,西米和冷椰奶。

    Boiled taro , sweet potato , beans , sago in cold coconut milk .

  20. 不远处另一只鸟儿喳喳叫着回答。

    It was answered by the chuckle of another bird a little further off .

  21. 你听那群猴子唧唧喳喳的叫声。

    Listen to the jabber of those monkeys .

  22. 他们对那件丑闻吱吱喳喳。

    They chattered on about the scandal .

  23. 他唧唧喳喳地说什么呢?

    What is he twittering about ?

  24. 六只小鸟喳喳叫。

    Six little bird sing merrily .

  25. 她既没钱,亲友也太多了些。他们吱吱喳喳地说着。

    She has no money and she has far too many relations , @ they twittered .

  26. 我喜欢抬头看蓝天,听小鸟喳喳叫,然后会心一笑。

    I like to look up at the blue sky , see the birds chirping , and smile .

  27. 吱吱喳喳,东张西望,想找一处不会被踩上的地方。

    cheeping feebly and wandering from side to side to find some place where they would not be trodden on .

  28. 除了上班,我把自己完全封闭了,不再唧唧喳喳的说话,也不再呵呵的笑了。

    Apart from work , I put myself completely closed , no chatter of words , no longer the laughing Ha ha .

  29. 一只手伸进帽子里来了,把录事的背和翅膀抓住,弄得他不得不唧唧喳喳地叫起来。

    a coarse hand sought its way carefully in under the broad rim , and seized the clerk over the back and wings .

  30. 它正兴高采烈地吱吱喳喳说话,可是嘴里灌满了水,所以没人听得懂它在说什么。

    He was chattering with the greatest excitement but as his mouth kept on getting filled with water nobody could understand what he was saying .