
  • 网络spray can;Aerosol can
  1. 选择滚珠除臭剂和美容产品而不是喷雾罐。

    Opt for roll on deodorant and beauty products rather than aerosol cans .

  2. 涂料是用按钮喷雾罐或压缩气喷枪喷到所要分析的零件上去的。

    The coatings are sprayed onto the components being analyzed by using aerosol cans or compressed-air spray guns .

  3. 本文利用板料成形数值模拟软件DYNAFORM,结合薄板成形的有限元基本理论和实际生产状况,总结出喷雾罐顶盖成形的模具和工艺参数,以及成形特点。

    By using the FEM software DYNAFORM and the basic theory of FEM and practical production status in sheet metal forming , the mold and parameters and characters of the coping forming of Aerosol Can were gained .

  4. 喷雾罐类容器安全性评价及压力试验仪的研制

    The Safety Evaluation of Aerosol Can and Development of Pressure Inspection Instrument

  5. 是因为我们被他们的喷雾罐搞的心烦意乱吗?

    Is it because we are all distracted by their spray cans ?

  6. 氯氟甲烷主要使用在气溶胶喷雾罐和作为冷冻剂。

    The chlorofluoromethanes are used principally in aerosol spray cans and as refrigerants .

  7. 氧气管用于连接喷雾罐,氧气面罩,复苏器供应氧气。

    Oxygen tubing can be connected to the nebulizer , oxygen mask and resuscitator to deliver supplemental oxygen .

  8. 伊凡喝醉了,他从罐头厂偷走了好多喷雾罐,喷水壶和垃圾箱。

    Ivan was canned , he stole some spay cans , watering cans and trash cans from the cannery .

  9. 甚至连塑料瓶和瓶盖都必须分开投放,铝罐、喷雾罐和钢罐也必须归类至不同的回收箱。

    Even plastic bottles and their caps go into different bins as do aluminum , spray , and steel cans are collected separately too .

  10. 这些身背消毒剂喷雾罐的修女前往农村地区,向幸存者提供卫生方面的建议。她们通常就睡在路边的帐篷中。

    The sisters make forays into the countryside , carrying disinfectant spray canisters strapped to their backs , advising survivors on sanitation issues , and often sleeping in tents at the roadside .

  11. 喷雾罐是一种气密性包装容器,制造金属喷雾罐用的最多的材料是马口铁和铝。其顶盖制造需要的工艺比较复杂,一般采用多工步的冲压成形。

    Aerosol Can is a kind of airproof package container , which is usually made of tinplate and aluminium , the manufacture of its coping needs complicated technics , multi-step forming is often adopted .